Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Well done abz - running should help with the weightloss and give you an endorphin boost x
Morning abz :wavey:
hi everyone. i am certainly happier on days when i run, but then i take extra painkillers so maybe it's an unnatural drug high :D

are you doing couch to 5k too then helen? i didn't realise. i've done another week 1 run today and i think i'll probably do another one on top of this one too. i struggled in the heat today. still completed it. i think i'm starting to forget how difficult the first one was because i'm sure this was really hard, but it can't be as hard as at the beginning.

i had a really sore back and really sore knees for my run today which was a large contributor to the difficulty. am going to have to watch my knees because they aren't usually painful. doubt they like 17st of me bouncing about on them though...

abz xx
i haven't been able to run today. my knees are far too painful. anyone have any tips on how to stop this? i don't want to have to give up because my knees can't take it :(

i'm away tomorrow so i won't be able to catch up then either so it will be a three day gap at least. the longest yet. really don't want to get off track but thomas banned me from running today when i struggled to get up the front doorstep, ha.

abz xx
Oh dear, well dont let it get you down. Its a good thing you're resting your knees and you'll get back in to it again when you can.

Humm i would try Ibrophophren (Sp?) and putting them up high... that's all i can think of. Perhaps ice packs on them? humm.

Hope youre feeling ok anyway? :)
hey babes. thanks for writing. hope you had a productive day off?

well i'm not sure whether i'll be running again for a while. it's taken over three days for my knees to approach normal and they are still painful. me and thomas made the decision to buy a swish (yet inexpensive) exercise bike today. thomas feels very unfit as he is used to manually working all day and he can't do any of that at the moment obviously, and i would like to lose some weight and strengthen my knees before trying to run again. the last three days have been agonising. and with izzy it's very difficult not being very mobile and finding bending your legs a problem. i would really really love to run though. so i'm gutted. but now i have an exercise bike to get excited about. it has different programs on it, or you can choose a difficulty or program it yourself. and it can measure your fitness and bmi and body fat percentage etc. so hopefully it will be useful in providing some goals. it should be almost silent so i can do it once izzy is in bed, and i should be able to do it every day too, whilst watching something on netflix :) rather than resting one or two days inbetween.

so wish me luck. i'm totally gutted. but i'm just postponing the running until my knees don't have 17st pounding on them!!

abz xx
Morning abz, have you tried strapping them when you run?
i haven't jim, because this is the first time they have hurt and they still really hurt and it's been a week, so i haven't run again. am going to see how they go with the exercise bike and take it from there.
Be careful with your knees Abz - if they are bad why not walk until they are feeling better again. Better that than doing the joints in x
Afternoon Abz. Oh dear on the running, but it does sound like youve been sensible.

How are you finding the new bike? are you and Thomas fighting over it?! :D
howdy :)

well we've got our bike and it's fab :) it has loads of pre-programmed exercise things in. different ones for fat-burning, or losing weight or improving cardio fitness etc etc. or you can set it to a number of calories or a time or a certain heart rate and it will stop or change the difficulty accordingly. we've both been using it. not for massive amounts of time at once but i was on it for 15 minutes earlier which is about three runs through the weight loss program for me and i had worked up a good sweat :)

so i think it will be a success. it's currently in our living room taking up large amounts of space but i think the plan is to bring it upstairs to the tiny amount of leftover space in our bedroom tonight. it's silent so we can use it when izzy is in bed. my old one that i got rid of just before izzy was born used a fan for resistance and it sounded like a hoover!!

so wish us luck with our endeavor :D

abz xx
hey everyone :)

well i've done half an hour on the bike tonight. 265 kcals burnt. i think i'll stick to this. and if i have the chance to do a few sessions through the day i will do that too to burn a few extra calories. at the moment it is my bum hurting that's preventing me from cycling longer. surprisingly thomas is struggling far more than me. i've just run through the weight loss program five times in a row, i think, or maybe six. i wasn't looking on purpose. thomas is struggling to complete two. so the running must have done something for my aerobic fitness, ha.

hoping for my bum to stop hurting so much over the next few days and i will probably increase the time i'm doing to 45 minutes with a bit of luck.

as a rule each cycle through the program is taking me about 5 and a half minutes and burning approximately 50 calories. and i'm cycling at about 60rpm which seems to be a natural speed i relax onto and still get all sweaty and gross, ha. lovely right?

now i just need to make sure i'm eating properly. easier said than done!!

good luck with the c25k helen :D i'm sure you'll do just fine.

abz xx
Well done with the exercise Abz and glad you're enjoying it x
Afternoon Abz :)

How are you? enjoying the biking?

The sun is shining today! hope youre in the park or somewhere else just as lovely :)
i have no idea. i probably was. was great to see you over the past couple of days. how much did izzy love the beach?? :D woohoo :D

abz xx