good morning gem. i'm feeling a bit more awake today and a bit more warm. i'm not sure whether they've changed the heating, whether it isn't as cold today (although i'm sure it isn't) or whether it's because i'm in on my own today so have nicked someone else's seat and am not sitting under the air con. but whatever it is, i'm grateful
am just tucking into my special k. what i really fancied was a roast pork sandwich. i woke up wanting one. i must have been dreaming about it :S
i still want one jim!! there's a place in york that just sells sandwiches with various roast meats in it and it smells divine. i still have never had one. am going there a week on saturday... i'll have to wait until then
i have had them jim. had one at a hog roast once but i've never had one from that place and it smells divine every time i walk past, but last time i think i was low-carbing, ha. so next time, next time i'll get one
i'm glad you are feeling better. you'll get a whoosh soon
well chaps, here i am, it's friday, woohoo. and i'm not frozen... yet. so the day is looking promising so far
have also just arranged to meet a friend after work that i haven't seen for a while. so i'm looking forward to that
am sitting down with decaff coffee and special k and a potential nectarine if i still fancy it the rocks that thomas bought (not having realised they were ripen at home, or even what that meant) are finally almost soft enough to actually eat. ha.
it isn't gem, but i don't want to get back into the habit of relying on caffeine having gotten off the bloody stuff. i tend to have a cup of tea as i start to flag later in the day
i am starting to feel very christmassy... and it's only bloody october... ha. it's very suddenly autumn. i want to go walking in some leaves might have to get my pink flowery wellies out