Simple Solutions About to start :)


Hi guys :)
Hope everyone is doing great on their diets!!!!
I was just wondering how everyone felt on their first week on the exante diet. I am planning to start on monday but I have a busy week ahead in work (the cause of my weight gain eating quick and easy meals and take aways :/ )
I was wondering did anyone feel tired or have dizzy spells or anything?
Any hints would be REALLY appreciated :)
More tired than normal but mainly at night. Actually found I was less tired at work without the post carby lunch slump. Best of luck x

i can't help cus I work in an office and spend most of my day sat at a desk lol! But I always felt fine =)
Hi I started on Tuesday and I have quite an active job I run a boarding Cattery so have my first pack at about 06.30 and after feeding the horses I am in the Cattery from about 7.30 through till 9.30 cleaning and feeding this involves a lot of bending to pick things up off the floor etc I am 4 days in now and even with all this bending and turning haven't felt sick or dizzy at all. For the first three days I didn't have a lot of energy but everything still got done and then yesterday I suddenly felt I could get all the work done and had loads of energy to spare. So far I have stuck to this religiously so fingers crossed this will be fine for you :) good luck!
Hi, I started my journey on Friday, quite headachy & tired...otherwise feel great & very positive :) good luck when you start :) xx
I felt fine but a little bit tired.
Someone gave me a great piece of advice during my tired & lethargic phase; go to bed early! Sounds so simple but it honestly didn't occur to me! It really, really helped and things did get better. I never got the energy rush you hear about but in a few days I was running on full steam again without really realising it. Stick it out :)
Thanks so much for all the responses!!! They were all really helpful!! :) I'm only on day 2 now feeling a little tired but i'm just delighted with the will power ive had today so i dont care :) Wooo hopefully all will go as well as today :)