Absolutely confused, and in need of some advice.

I haven't been pale apart from a couple of days when I was tired and the Alizonne clinic said to take another sachet and another salt tablet. So if your blood pressure is OK and you feel good, I'd use make up. It's worth checking your blood pressure.

I definitely had too play a waiting game. It was nearer 2 stone a size down in the high teens, I hear it's a stone a size between 10/12/14. I find clothing much more motivational - and suggest charity shop jeans or bootcuts from ADSA - more forgiving shape, and a great colour! I'm stuck between sizes - 18s too loose and 16s too tight!
I see. I definitely did not realise you could use this product on your cheeks. Will definitely look into it now. :) x

If you don't want to spend around £20 for a little bottle I think superdrug does a similar thing for about a fiver! Unfortunately I'm a bit addicted to Benefit :eek: It lasts a long time though- a bottle will last you years.
AliGal said:
I haven't been pale apart from a couple of days when I was tired and the Alizonne clinic said to take another sachet and another salt tablet. So if your blood pressure is OK and you feel good, I'd use make up. It's worth checking your blood pressure.

I definitely had too play a waiting game. It was nearer 2 stone a size down in the high teens, I hear it's a stone a size between 10/12/14. I find clothing much more motivational - and suggest charity shop jeans or bootcuts from ADSA - more forgiving shape, and a great colour! I'm stuck between sizes - 18s too loose and 16s too tight!

Me too Aligal! Im in between sizes too, its soo annoying! Some 16's i fit, others i dont! Tops are all 16's tho :D
AliGal I do not wish to consume another sachet, however I am intrigued by the 'salt tablets', what exactly are they? Are they literally tablets of pure salt? Are these allowed on Exante TS? Speaking of blood pressure. We have a machine in the house (a small hand held one) which checks blood pressure and pulse, and my mum mentioned that my blood pressure was very low. So there is a correlation there. What can I do to keep my blood pressure up, or at least raise it? I am feeling well (touch wood) however I must admit for the past two weeks or so I have been suffering dizzy spells every time I stand up, but again this all ties in with having low blood pressure.

Saddlebag I think I will remain ill looking purely because it is extra effort, ahaaaha. I must admit however, that product sounds like an absolute God send. Do you have any idea whether it is okay for sensitive skin? Also, do you or anyone else for that matter have any idea whether Bouillon (the broth drink) is DEFINITELY allowed on Exante TS? If it is, how much of it is allowed per day, and also is there a specific one to take? Will it mess with weight loss at all? As if it does, I do not wish to take it. :)
I am not a doctor so you need to take your own advice - it might be wroth having a blood test to also check your thyroid gland.

If I am very low blood pressure, I use an extra salt tablet. It's pure compressed salt.

For some background read
Low blood pressure - information from Bupa on low blood pressure | Bupa UK
and Low Blood Pressure - Can it get too low eating Paleo/low carb? - PaleoHacks.com - eating real food is often much lower calories than the standard western diet with lots of processed food heavy in nasty fats and salt. Paleo is real caveman food - they eat high real fats but little starch,

It's funny because my old GPs used to hate the fact that I had a good blood pressure when I was clearly overweight. Now I've lost a shedload of weight, my blood pressure is now low. I suspect at goal it will be very low.

Good luck and look after yourself,
I am not a doctor so you need to take your own advice - it might be wroth having a blood test to also check your thyroid gland.

If I am very low blood pressure, I use an extra salt tablet. It's pure compressed salt.

For some background read
Low blood pressure - information from Bupa on low blood pressure | Bupa UK
and Low Blood Pressure - Can it get too low eating Paleo/low carb? - PaleoHacks.com - eating real food is often much lower calories than the standard western diet with lots of processed food heavy in nasty fats and salt. Paleo is real caveman food - they eat high real fats but little starch,

It's funny because my old GPs used to hate the fact that I had a good blood pressure when I was clearly overweight. Now I've lost a shedload of weight, my blood pressure is now low. I suspect at goal it will be very low.

Good luck and look after yourself,

Thank you for your concern, and don't worry I am not looking to diagnose myself on MiniMins. :D
I have just taken my reading and it is 95/75. I did a little research and apparently this is okay. I will add a little salt somewhere along the line but I am not at all concerned. I don't think I will be having a heart attack or stroke anytime soon considering my blood pressure is a way away from high. Thanks for your help AliGal.
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Bullion is absolutely fine for TS
Good morning everyone. I have not been on Minimins for a while now but am back for good. :)

I am really struggling with something that seems to have only began recently. I personally despise having to wake up during the night to go to the toilet and have worked out that I simply cannot drink pretty much anything past 7. However whilst this works perfectly for me during the course of a day, when it comes to later on in the evening, generally 9 plus, I suddenly become absolutely ravenous. I can deal with hunger pangs, but this is continuous intense hunger which does affect my getting to sleep (once I am asleep however, I am fine). In the morning it has completely disappeared, and in fact on the contrast, I almost forget to consume the packets, ahaha. Just to let you all know, I am drinking WELL enough water during the day, and consume three packets every single day. I do not consume anything other than water and sachets, however once in a blue moon I will have a cup of Bouillon. Any advice?
Mally said:
Good morning everyone. I have not been on Minimins for a while now but am back for good. :)

I am really struggling with something that seems to have only began recently. I personally despise having to wake up during the night to go to the toilet and have worked out that I simply cannot drink pretty much anything past 7. However whilst this works perfectly for me during the course of a day, when it comes to later on in the evening, generally 9 plus, I suddenly become absolutely ravenous. I can deal with hunger pangs, but this is continuous intense hunger which does affect my getting to sleep (once I am asleep however, I am fine). In the morning it has completely disappeared, and in fact on the contrast, I almost forget to consume the packets, ahaha. Just to let you all know, I am drinking WELL enough water during the day, and consume three packets every single day. I do not consume anything other than water and sachets, however once in a blue moon I will have a cup of Bouillon. Any advice?

Could you have a bar and split it in half ? Say one half for dinner one for tea/supper ?
Could you have a bar and split it in half ? Say one half for dinner one for tea/supper ?

That would be an absolutely brilliant idea, however I have been solely on shakes for around two months now as the other products reek havoc with my body. :/
I really am at a loss about what to do. It took me over two hours to get to sleep yesterday night for the same reason. But thank you so much for your idea, I may order some with my next months purchase even if they do not agree with me, aahaa.
Have I tried the Tesco ultra slim bars as a substitute for the exante ones? X
Have I tried the Tesco ultra slim bars as a substitute for the exante ones? X

I would definitely give them a go, however I have read a few times that they are only considered a 'substitute' i.e can only be consumed when needs MUST. I read a post whereby somebody was asking if they could scrap the Exante bars and consume only Tesco ones and they got a collective and resounding 'no' hhaa. x
Hello stranger :-D how about splitting the last shake in two...?
I have a Tesco bar everyday. I still have excellent losses x
Same here, I love the Tesco bars and have had a great 4 week loss :)
Saddlebag, how are you? :D Long time no speak, ahaha. That was probably what I would have done (i.e split the final shake in two) however now I have been told that is is perfectly fine to consume the shop brought bars on an everyday basis I am ecstatic. Moreover I can honestly say that even the small quantity of water in half a shake would have me getting up during the night (my bladder really does not seem to hold a lot for any lengthy period of time).

time2go you have absolutely saved my life (figuratively speaking, aha). I was not 100% keen on the Exante bars however I must say they filled me up to a much greater extent than any of the shakes could/can. For that reason I found it really frustrating that I had to give them up as a result of upset stomachs and a general feeling of unwellness. Now however I feel like I have been given a new leash on life, as I can actually reintroduce my beloved bars and at no detriment to my sleep or ketosis, ahahha (This is clearly what a VLCD has lessened me to - utter and complete excitement at being able to eat a cereal bar, AAHAA).

Sammysmiles do they have a variety of choice (i.e different flavors) or is there only one we are allowed to replace an Exante bar with?

Thank you so much everyone, I genuinely am REALLY looking forward to my trip to Tesco's. :D xxxx
Well u can save mine next time! Enjoy xxx