I can do this..
See I'm the opposite. I find S&S packs much much more filling and far easier to stick to. I have 4 packs a day and never feel the need for anything else. Cost wise it's much of a muchness. I'd rather pay slightly more for a plan I love and can do 100%. I honestly couldn't come back to Exante now
You can't have 3 packs on their own with s&s if it's only packs then it's 4. 3 packs plus veggies etc or 4 packs is still less than Exante
You can pick the contents of your bumper pack to your exact specification - Exante are you listening??? - so if you don't like something you dont order it . It's lots more flexible and sitting down with a meal pack is so much more satisfying.
You Can order a sample pack - one of each product before you commit yourself
Oh and the weight loss is every bit as good
Hi Starlight, I've just seen your reply here and wondered if you could answer a question for me that I actually put on the S&S forum. I am losing virtually nothing now on Exante about 1lb every 2 to 3 weeks so am thinking of changing but I have a problem with sweetner and see s&s has it in. Is it possible to have Exante shakes and the rest from s&s? Are the s&s shakes very sweet as I don't like sweet things? I was thinking of getting the sample pack to try but there are a lot of shakes in it. Do you think if I change theres a chance of more of a loss. I have another 17lbs at least to lose and want it gone by August. I have enjoyed Exante but it's now getting hard work as I'm thinking is it worth it if I'm not losing.
It sounds as if a few people are enjoying doing s&s so may give it a go. CS