Advent Calendar Girls 10 Week Challenge!

Forgot to post last week :( but I put 3lbs on (blame OH for his bday week :p )

But 2.5 off this week

So I didn't complete the challenge and actually really struggled this month but it has made me try and work at it and keep going and it's nice to hear how everyones done during the weeks

Whats the next challenge guys - Valentines day?? :D
hi all
Sadly I gained 2.5lbs this week and so have completely failed the Christmas Challenge. On the plus side I had a fab weekend in London - chestnuts on Oxford Street, mulled wine round Greenwich market, chocolate fountain at a party on Monday and oooooo brandy truffles in the office!!! Ooops
Leia247 - bit of an up and down couple of weeks chica. BUT you're still with us!!!
That's a big achievement in itself.

MissBeee - hey no talk of failure! Every single one of us that have fought through to the end is now lighter than when we started this little challenge 10 weeks ago.

We're all winners imho!
Weighing in early today, this afternoon instead of evening, as I'm off work now till the New Year. Had a look on the scales at home this morning, looking not as bad as I thought it was going to be! Will update later.

Who mentioned a Valentines challenge?
Arctic - pooh to the gain! But you're another one of only a few of the challengees that has lost 10 or more pounds over the last 10 weeks.

So be proud! :D
Buenas Noches mis amigos.

Tomorrow I'm off on holiday until 27th with no internet access so the final results won't be posted until late Tuesday evening.

So get all your updates in by then for WIs up to and including Christmas Day.

Finally can I wish you all

Feliz Navidad

Here's hoping it's not too stressful and you don't burn the sprouts!

And have a little giggle at these.


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Hi All,
Sorry that I have been awol these past three weeks, Some of you may remember(if you actually remember me, that is) I was going back to England for a holiday. I actually came back lighter (63.8) but, now my sister is over here with me, I have gained again. Now at 65.0 Back where I started. Grrrrr:mad:
If there is to be a Valentine challenge, please may I join in to hopefully be my 3rd lucky try? I have already set my start date and hubb's birthday is on the 14th, so I am really really really determined this time...if you'll let me play??:family2:
Pomette, I know you will not get this until after,Loved the thumbnails... and felices fiestas a ti tambien, distfrutes mi amiga X
Vitology said:
Well it was to be expected, those little Xmas indulgences creep up on us! Mines the result of staff night out then a trip to pizza hut, my first one since may, with family! So only 1 pound isn't that bad really!!! Yes Pom, you are right it'll all go in the new year!!! :) x

Exactly! It's silly season and all you have to do is look back at your progress (can you see it in graph form?) to see that 1lb on is totally insignificant in the grand scheme of things! Besides, you're probably so disciplined normally, why shouldnt you let your hair down a little now and again? X
Didn't quite make it!! Missed WI Week before last - Last week lost 4.5lbs this week (yesterday) gained 1.5lbs - I've lost count of where I was in the challenge!!

Gonna keep going though!!

Welldone to all who have achieved there targets and too thouse who havn't don't give up just extend the challenge time!!

It's Not a Race to Slim!
Hannah - your total is 17 lbs lost in the last 10 weeks! Which is pretty blumin' good as far as I'm concerned.
funcurls said:
Exactly! It's silly season and all you have to do is look back at your progress (can you see it in graph form?) to see that 1lb on is totally insignificant in the grand scheme of things! Besides, you're probably so disciplined normally, why shouldnt you let your hair down a little now and again? X

Well it is Christmas afterall! Plus I've proved to myself that doin sw I can lose weight and enjoy food at the same time, so Youve not seen the back of me yet!!! :) x
Merry Christmaaaaas!!! Here I am in my festive outfit earlier this morning:


Happy to have completed this challenge and here's to the next one!!

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. xx
Hope everyone's having a lovely time! Nadolig Llawen!
Hi everyone. Hope you had/are having a great Christmas. A bit if a late update for me as it was a mad rush before going away for a few days. A frustrating sts, so didn't complete the challenge. Still pleased with the weight I did lose & looking forward to getting to target in the new year. Thanks to everyone for your support & once again to Hev & Bev for organising

Happy New Year to you all!
Hiya peeps - hope you've all had a great Christmas.
I'm back home again now and ready to update for week 10.

The list below just contains those people who have either already completed the challenge or reported in during the last 2 weeks. Everyone who has reported in this week is also now in RED

Aesir22- To lose 21 lbs (13 lbs lost ~ 8 lbs to go).
arctic_blonde_not_grey- To lose 21 lbs (10 lbs lost ~ 11 lbs to go).
Ellebear- To lose 10lbs (3.5 lbs lost ~ 6.5 lbs to go).
Emmey1- To lose 24 lbs (13.5 lbs lost ~ 10.5 lbs to go).
Funcurls- To lose 5 lbs (2 lbs lost ~ 3 lbs to go). TARGET CHANGED!
Gonnabesmall- To lose 9 lbs (8.5 lbs lost ~ 0.5 lbs to go).
GrannieAnnie- To lose 6 lbs (6 lbs lost ~ 0 lbs to go).
Hannah- To lose 21.5 lbs (14 lbs lost ~ 7.5 lbs to go).
Helenlee2307- To lose 12 lbs (12.5 lbs lost ~ -0.5 lbs to go).
jelly bean 639- To lose 21 lbs (21.5 lbs lost ~ -0.5 lbs to go).
Krupskaya- To lose 10 lbs (10 lbs lost ~ 0 lbs to go).
Lady_Amalthea- To lose 15 lbs (16.5 lbs lost ~ -1.5 lbs to go).
Leapfrog- To lose 9 lbs (5.5 lbs lost ~ 3.5 lbs to go).
Leia247- To lose 7.5 lbs (4 lbs lost ~ 3.5 lbs to go). TARGET CHANGED
littlemeercat- To lose 18 lbs (13.5 lbs lost ~ 4.5 lbs to go).
MissBeee- To lose 12 lbs (6 lbs lost ~ 6 lbs to go).
Ninnins- To lose 11.5 lbs (1.5 lbs lost ~ 10 lbs to go).
Pommette- To lose 2 lbs (2.75 lb lost ~ -0.75 lbs to go).
Powla- To lose 9 lbs (0 lbs lost ~ 9 lbs to go).
Punk_Pixie- To lose 18 lbs (11 lbs lost ~ 7 lbs to go).
Stitchy- To lose 10 lbs (9 lbs lost ~ 1 lb to go).
Taniau- To lose 7 lbs (7 lbs lost ~ 0 lbs to go).
Trango- To lose 7.5 lbs (7.5 lbs lost ~ 0 lbs to go).
Vitology- To lose 14 lbs (9.5 lbs lost ~ 4.5 lbs to go).
WhatLiesWithin...- To lose 14 lbs (15 lbs lost ~ -1. lbs to go).
wholahoop- To lose 20 lbs (10 lbs lost ~ 10 lbs to go).

goes to who_la_hoop with a 5.5 lb loss this week

is awarded jointly to jelly bean 639 and Lady_Amalthea with a brilliant 9.5 lb loss in the last 5 weeks

goes to jelly bean 639 for a stunning 21.5 lbs loss during the challenge.

(Apologies to Hannah - I calculated you figures wrong as I had this weeks gain down as a loss!)

Thank you everyone who has joined in on the Advent Calendar Girls Challenge - it was great to have 2 blokes join us and not be put of by the title!

Many thanks for all your kind words over the last few weeks too. I have thoroughly enjoyed it!

It was the final push I needed to get to target - all 2 blumin' ilbs!
But I'm now off to try and lose anther 3 lbs to get back to the BMI I set out to achieve - I've shrunk ½" !!!! Blumin' age!!!
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Hi GeordieGirl - good to hear from you again. Unfortunately this challenge finished on Christmas Day!

There are lots of New Year chellnges around so maybe you could join one of those to help keep you on track!