Advice for the PrawnchopSuey

Thank you ladies :) Was dreading getting home from work last night 'cos I thought there'd be an atmosphere, and then OH acted like nothing had ever been said!!! Will collar him on the weekend....

1lb off for me this week :)

I might try and slip in a few red days every week. If you have potato rather than pasta you get LOADS for a HExB on red.

So today's going to be another red day:
UPDATE - change of plan, gone green!!

:) Wednesday - green

Breakfast - banana

Lunch - potato salad (1 syn for mayonnaise), carrot sticks

Snacks - pear, ryvita and phili (HexB x 2)

Dinner - Roast BNS stuffed with courgette, red onion and feta (HexA x 2)
Curly wurly (6 syns)
Haagen dazs mini pot (13 syns)

Bit of a blow out post WI but I've been good all week so what the heck.

Relaxing for a Channel 4 evening of location and Grand Designs - love it!! :)


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Right, back on plan today...

:) Thursday - EE

Breakfast - banana

Lunch - leftover BNS, red onion, courgette and feta (HexA) with couscous

Snacks - pears

Dinner - jacket potato with beans and cheese (HexB), bowl of strawberries

I am going to try and not have 4 meals today (which is becoming a Thursday habit!). The plan is to get away from work on time and go for a swim before going to my sugarcraft class. That way I won't have an hour and a half of feeling peckish to do any damage! :)
Fingers crossed that I can leave work on time. It's always when I'm keen to get off that the boss e-mails at 4.55 with the word URGENT in the subject :(
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Hiya lovely, well done on bringing up the subject but I agree with the others, get him in the day time where he can't squirm away from it. Does he see many children ususally? It may be a good idea to "drop by" a friends who has children, pref aged 3 or 4 so he can see that they are actually quite cute and don't just cry and poo.

Well done on the pound off hun, you're doing brilliantly xxx
Thanks Lou, I will tackle him this weekend. We do have some friends who have a 5 year old, who we see fairly often. Trouble is that I think their parenting is a bit pants (obviously I wait until we've left to say anything!)..... A 5 year old who has tox boxes full of DVDs and has a TV and x-box in his room and plays 18+ computer games....So now I think about it OH probably thinks I'd be a nightmare mother (which I probably will be if that means not using a TV to babysit!)... I'll have to think of some strategies to talk myself out of that one!! :)

Well, yesterday went perfectly, managed 80 lengths / 2km in the time I had (about 45 minutes), then went straight to my sugarcraft class. No extra meal beforehand and then I really enjoyed my tea when I got home late. And it was a 0 syn day! And the scales are 0.5lb down this morning to reward me :)
Hello PCSuey

Hows your weekend going ? Wooooo hooo well done on the fab swim and 0 syn day - thats definitely broken your Thursday habit well and truely :) Is the sugarcraft going well ?

I totally sympathise with how you're feeling regarding your sisters news. I'm really keen to start a family and hubby seems to think there's plenty of time to get round to it eventually. The conversations range from money worries, life style changes and what if's etc. So, we're not actively trying (mostly through hubbys lack of wanting to since we've started discussing it) but I've been off the pill for two and a half years now, so I kindof think we should really try just to rule out that there isnt some other reason as to why we're not falling pg. Since then 4 of my close friends have had babies!

Sorry if thats all too much information, just wanted to add my two penneth and let you know that you arent alone in the way you're feeling....... its a bit of a delicate situation really isnt it :bighug:

The only tiny things that console me are that for every month that we're not pg, I manage to save some money so that side of things is better when/if we do become pg. In theory every month should be a month closer to target too. These things mean nothing compared to how I'd feel to become pg though!!!

Oh flip, I'm babbling away now! Soooooorrrrrrry! I hope you're having a good weekend :)
Thank you hun, it really means a lot to read people's opinions and experiences. Haven't mananged to broach the subject again so far this weekend but I know I need to :(

:) Friday - green

Breakfast - banana

Lunch - jacket potato with baked beans, pear, apple

Snack - fibre plus bar (HexB)

Dinner - chickpea dhal with sweet potato chips

Snack - 2 ryvita and phili (HexB), half curly wurly (3 syns), twix (14 syns), Haagen Daaz (6 syns)

:) Saturday - EE

Dinner - mixed bean chilli with baked jacket sweet potato
Half curly wurly (3 syns)

Bit of a naughty night last night (too many syns) and a naughty day today (not enough food!) - went to the gym, then shopping and before I knew it it was teatime and I'd not eaten yet. Ooops.

Got some really cosy Ugg-but-not-ugg boots, proper sheepskin and everything, for £40. Reduced from £120. Bargain :)

Hope you are all having a good weekend :)
Well, Sunday was off plan. Seems to be a day a week at the mo, oops.

:) Monday - EE

Breakfast - banana, apple

Lunch - leftover mixed bean chilli with couscous

Snacks - 2 pears, fibre plus bar (HexB)

Dinner - tuna steak with ratatouille, new potatoes and cheese (random! HexA)

And a trip to the gym is in order this evening too, I want another lb OFF this week :)


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Hiya lovely, hows your week going? Oops to Sunday but one day out of 7 isn't bad, I seem to have 1 good day out of 7 at the moment!!! x
Hi Lou, the week's going OK so far - think it might be a teeny tiny half pound loss this week, but as long as it's a loss I'm happy :)

:) Tuesday - EE

Breakast - banana

Lunch - couscous with ratatouille, pear

Snack - apple, fibre plus bar (HexB)

Dinner - quorn burgers (1 syn for two) with cheese (HexA), BNS chips and sugarsnap peas

And another gym trip this evening too. Phew :)


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Well, I STS this week. Grrr. In fact I went from 179.4lb to 178.6lb so it's an 0.8lb loss but I like to round my weight to the nearest lb so it's got to be recorded as an STS... On the up side ,maybe I can wangle a 2lb loss next week by losing just 1.2lb?! :)
:) Wednesday - EE

Breakfast - banana

Lunch - Ainsley Harriot Creamy Vegetable Spelt (2 syns), green salad

Snack - 2 pears

Dinner - macaroni cheese (HexA) with leeks and tomatoes in for superfree plus green salad

Snack - Slice of toast (HexB) with peanut butter (4 syns)


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Good luck for next week, I'm sure you'll get that 2pm off
Hey good result for this week :) I'd say thats a 0.8lb in the bank for next week. I'm taking a STS very positively at the moment (and it sounds like you are too) as its such a nice step in the right direction (with not being a gain!). All the best for this week :)
Woop woop for the 0.8lbs, although I'd have blown my nose / done a wee / cut my nails / taken off my glasses / taken hair band out / replaced granny pants with see through pants etc to get the 0.2lbs... I'm a bit weird though xxx
Hee hee, well I was stark b****ck naked so there wasn't much else to take off!
Bit gutted though as I do my minimims WI on a Wednesday morning at home and go to class on Wednesday evening. Usually the loss is the same... but last night at class I weighed in at 0.5lb ON. Grrr.
This morning scales are still on 178.6 so I'm a bit confused (and annoyed) and to where this "gain" came from.
I know I had an off plan day on Sunday but I filled in my weekly food diary for group yesterday and looked up what I'd eaten and actually I reckon it was only about 25 syns (3 slices of pizza in pizza hut - I have taken off 24 syns for HexAs and HexBs from the cheese and bread! Cheating a bit) and definitely the day was under 2000kcal because I only had one meal. I suppose off plan is still off plan but it's just frustrating when other people in class lose 4lb one week, 5lb the next and just say "yeah, I had a couple of bottles of wine and a Chinese on Saturday, but otherwise the week was OK..." How do people lose so quickly??!

I'm just ranting now! I'm going to try and ignore it and just remember that my scales are still going the right way...

Plan for this week is to eat MORE (which I'm quite looking forward to!) but just making sure it is all on plan - I have a theory that I may not have eaten enough last week... but what fat person doesn't?! Worth a shot though :)

Going to a Zumba class tonight which I am also quite excited about. Found one near where I work that should fit in perfectly between work and my Thursday evening course. I've never done it before but lots of my friends rave about it. I hope it'll be fun, even if I have two left feet :)
I've had that rant many a time mate, as I'm sure you've noticed. Like you I don't lose unless I'm completely, 100% on plan. If I'm even a syn or two out I sts or put on. It's so frustrating when, like you've said, people can have takeaways and booze and still lose. My sister is like that lol. Drives me mental :p
It feels like we have to put in so much more effort and not get as much out of it. But we keep going don't we? We're stubborn and we'll get there eventually :D

Oooh how did Zumba go??
Yes we WILL get there eventually :)
I don't know if you've noticed but you are now closer to being a healthy weight that to being obese - I think that's a fab milestone and shows that you are neaaaarly there!

Zumba was OK, but to be honest it wasn't very hard going. There was a long pause / water break between EVERY song when the teacher faffed around with finding the next track she wanted to play so I didn't really get out of breath and sweaty which is what i was expecting. It was quite fun though, lots of aerobics moves like grapevines and then crazy bouts of hip shaking and shoulder shaking here and there. It's a sight for sore eyes a room full of women doing the truffle shuffle!! I'm sure the founders of Zumba had images of toned, coordinated brazilians doing the moves not us lot :)

:) Thursday - Green

Breakfast - banana

Lunch - macaroni cheese (HexA), apple, pear

Snack - fibre plus (HexB), 2 ryvita with philli (HexB), pear

Dinner - jacket potato with baked beans and cheese (HexA)
:) Friday - Red

Breakfast - banana, apple

Lunch - jacket potato (HexB) with tuna, cucumber and cherry tomatoes

Snacks - apple, pear, Strawberry yoghurt, Fibre plus bar (HexB)

Dinner - chicken fajitas with lettuce wraps and cheese (HexA)

Maybe 8.5 syns for a proper wrap but will try and resist temptation so I can have a mini tub of haagen dasz (Strawberry cheesecake - 11.5 syns, baileys - 13 or Pralines and cream 14).

UPDATE - no wrap and 11.5 syns well spent on Stawberry cheesecake ice cream :)

Kitty's going to the vet's for his annual boosters tonight, lucky monkey. He was giving me shifty looks as soon as I got his travel box out this morning, as if to say " think you're getting me in there do you?!" :)


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