Saturday - EE
Breakfast - baked beans and some leftover mushroom and lentil loaf (HexA)
Lunch - carrot and coriander soup, bread (HexB)
Dinner - Goat's cheese fritter (eek), followed by sea bass fillet with dill mash and prawn bisque. Tried to choose wisely from restaurant menu. No alcohol or dessert...

Sunday - off plan
Breakfast - cereal and milk
Lunch - picnic! granary baguette, salami, sliver of cheese, celery, carrot, reduced fat onion and garlic dip, handful of sensations, white chocolate and raspberry cookie, strawberries
Dinner - peanut butter sandwich
Gosh, I didn't think I'd been that bad yesterday but when I see it written down and begin to think about syns it's dreadful

No wonder scales are a massive 3lb up this morning
Had an emotional weekend too. Went to stay at my big sister's and she told us she's pregnant! So I am very happy for her
But then because I'm a total cow I am also really jealous and I feel on the edge of crying every time I think about her getting the thing I want more than anything in the world. I made a huge effort to not let her see but I think I am going to find it really difficult to cope over the next few months. God, I am a horrible sister, I don't know what's wrong with me

I didn't think I would react this way and it has really made me realise how desperate I am to start a family and how I need to have some serious chats with OH (who doesn't want kids) which I have been avoiding because I am a rubbish communicator (more of a bottler upper) and because the outcome of the conversation is probably likely to be that we want completely different things....and therefore we should call it a day..... which then makes me feel even more upset and reluctant to sit down and initiate the "chat"....Sorry, bit rant but I am a weepy mess at the min.... probably just going to bury my head in the sand and avoid the issue once again.... I'm such a wuss...