Whenever you are on a weight maintenance diet, you should only stick to foods that are of low carbohydrates. This definitely means that you will have to keep off those pastries and anything with white flour and sugar.If you are on a weight loss diet, you should avoid foods that contain wheat or grain. Therefore, you cannot have bread because it is forbidden unless your diet is a weight maintenance diet and not a weight loss diet.You can eat sugar added foods or settle for starch vegetable diets like potatoes and maize. Just remember that starch and sugar have many carbohydrates in them.Work closely with your dietitian. He should give you clear instructions on how to balance your diet in meats, fish, poultry and other products like butter and eggs. Be careful with processed foods because these generally have high carbohydrates.Mustard greens, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, green beans, broccoli and lettuce are just some of the vegetables that are most suitable for you at this period of your diet. This is because they are of low starch content.