Afghanistan weight loss diary - C25K WK1,2,3,4+5 - Complete!

oh i was doing the clinging to the bed routiene last week in hospital with madam and the nurse came along and put the rails up behind me so i didnt fall off, lol now those things are amazing, every single bed should have some
oh i was doing the clinging to the bed routiene last week in hospital with madam and the nurse came along and put the rails up behind me so i didnt fall off, lol now those things are amazing, every single bed should have some

i enjoy the looking like a shaggy dog stage as then when i finally get an acctual hairdo i end up looking so different, lol
i like the double take folks do when ive had my hair done and they dont recognise me, lol

ah god love them, that was ncie of them chick, probably seen hundreds of parents clinging on for dear life... least they can do i suppose! you are right though, could do with them myself!

hows the baby doing chick?

ye thats what i liek about getting my hair done, always look so different!

thinking of going caramel when peter is coming home so i look totally different.. skinny with new hair!!

hi everyone!

Thursday already! the time is flying!!!

Had a better sleep last night, but lissy still wakes a good few times... some times shes crying for her dumy but shes actually asleep tossing and turning looking for it.... then is quiet as a mouse as soon as i put it in her mouth its weird!

I do think her sleeping has worsened since peter left, she has deffinate seperation anxiety too at the moment i literally cant leave the room without her bursting into hysterics... shes realy missing peter and im worried she thinks im going to leave too...

thank god he is home soon!!

had some lovely emails from him this morning so have spent the morning replying tellign him all about the baby!

hes always going to be away from the green zone (dangerous bit) for a few weeks now up until christmas doing something or other, which has absolutely made my day!

only downside is i wont speak to him for a month, but thats a sacrifice im willing to make to know he is safe!!!

Diet fine as always, just about to have my second shake actually..

not buying any more bars now, someone on here said ther CDC says they can slow losses. so not buying any more to see if it makes a difference! if it doesnt then i will fill me boots...

to be honest, cant see me loosing more than 5lb in a week anyway lol

Hoping for another huge loss like last week this week... but not going to be dissapointed obviously if i dont loose another 5lbs, thats so so much weight to loose i expect my body will try and hold back a bit!

now i know the DVD isnt slowing my losses iv stopped weighing myself every day, and i actually feel liberated lol

was dreading weigh in each day incase i gained weight due to excercising - how rediculous!

so the scales will have to gather dust again for a while!

Day 13 of the shred later, not done it yet as not possible with the devil child being as destructive as she is.. she would probably trip me over!

will be doing it after 7 when she goes to bed!

have a lovely day every one speak soon

HOW EXCITING IF WE HAD BEEN SEPERATED AT BIRTH!!! i would love it hahaha ahhh beautiful eyes <3 xx

just with a ten + year gap lol

I'm so glad Peter has been moved away from danger zone :) this has made my day for you.

I stopped the bars last week and still lost the same hun but try it for a week and see how it goes. Your weight loss is so fantastic because you are 100% and don't blip - you are amazing to do this !

I am feeling a bit better this afternoon chilling on sofa is most definitely helping - I did consider the shred but thought twice lol just don't want to be another day behind but hey ho I guess in the grand scheme of things its not the end of the world lol

Lissy is definitely the right age for separation anxiety we went through this with charlie when same went back, he's fine now but i'm sure he'll play up again when Sam comes home again he'll want to be in our bed no doubt doh xx
Will reply properly beautiful lady - too tired haha

Just finished day 13 - level 2 day 4!!

Ouch ouch

Will copy and paste Facebook entry later after my bath

Photos and measurements tomorrow.... Very excited!!

You are doing so well - it must be a huge relief to know Peter is in the safe zone so to speak, well worth not talking to him!

I've just seen your measurements, amazing differences between weeks 1-8.

I have problems with my kids sleeping - my little girl since she was in hospital for a week (partly due to being woken every two hours by docs and partly due to anxiety that developed since then) and my little boy who has never slept! It's hard, and especially so if your little one knows Daddy isn't there. My hubby is away for this week and Kay is missing him loads (she is two).

Good luck for the rest of this week, I think you are doing amazingly!
ah god love them, that was ncie of them chick, probably seen hundreds of parents clinging on for dear life... least they can do i suppose! you are right though, could do with them myself!

hows the baby doing chick?

ye thats what i liek about getting my hair done, always look so different!

thinking of going caramel when peter is coming home so i look totally different.. skinny with new hair!!


madams alrite thanks hun, ive seen her go down hil many times over the years, she just likes to scare sho's, lol
im hoping she stays strong this winter but i wont be placing bets on it

your hubbys gonna go nuts when you see him, maybe you should get a big name badge in case he walks straight on past you
I love how positive your posts always are Lauren, your doing amazingly!

I need to get my head in the same zone as you!

Something I found kinda funny... my friend who I met from being an Army Mrs, her husband and my ex worked together so we became good friends, anyways, shes been doing the shred while her hubby was deployed, he came home for R&R so I went to visit them, knocked on the door and their daughter opened the door as said they are in the front room, she opened the front room door and theres and my mate and her hubby, proper tough guy, (you know the type.. works out like a machine, bench pressing more then his own body weight!) all tattooed up, in his PT gear, sweating and doing level 3 of the shred! He saw me and said in panic "dont tell the lads!!!!" I was nearly wetting myself, the more I laughed the more their 7 year old and baby laughed, baby was in his bouncer, so was leaping up and down chuckling, which made me laugh all the more, by the end of it, the kids and me and my mate were literally rolling around laughing while her hubby stood there with his arms crossed, dead pan face saying "it isnt funny... stop taking the mick...." lol bless him
Sammy, thats really funny... you can tell him that we are all giggling too!! lol hehehe
HOW EXCITING IF WE HAD BEEN SEPERATED AT BIRTH!!! i would love it hahaha ahhh beautiful eyes <3 xx

just with a ten + year gap lol

I'm so glad Peter has been moved away from danger zone :) this has made my day for you.

I stopped the bars last week and still lost the same hun but try it for a week and see how it goes. Your weight loss is so fantastic because you are 100% and don't blip - you are amazing to do this !

I am feeling a bit better this afternoon chilling on sofa is most definitely helping - I did consider the shred but thought twice lol just don't want to be another day behind but hey ho I guess in the grand scheme of things its not the end of the world lol

Lissy is definitely the right age for separation anxiety we went through this with charlie when same went back, he's fine now but i'm sure he'll play up again when Sam comes home again he'll want to be in our bed no doubt doh xx

hi babe, sorry about late reply, couldnt find the motivation to update would you believe haha

ah well that makes sense about the baby then, in fairness if my daddy had just upped and left and i didnt know where he had gone or why, i think id panic every time my mummy left the room too.... it just knackers me out!

Having said that... lissy slept from 11 until half 4 this morning uninterupted! woohoo!!! so thats a start!!

glad your better babe, cant wait to hear how u get on this morning! thinking of u xxxxxx

You are doing so well - it must be a huge relief to know Peter is in the safe zone so to speak, well worth not talking to him!

I've just seen your measurements, amazing differences between weeks 1-8.

I have problems with my kids sleeping - my little girl since she was in hospital for a week (partly due to being woken every two hours by docs and partly due to anxiety that developed since then) and my little boy who has never slept! It's hard, and especially so if your little one knows Daddy isn't there. My hubby is away for this week and Kay is missing him loads (she is two).

Good luck for the rest of this week, I think you are doing amazingly!

Hiya sweet,

Sorry for late reply, been lazy with my diary!

Ah sorry to hear about your little girl, hope she starts sleeping soon, its funny, you just become used to being a zombie dont u!!

Kay is a beautiful name!! and i dread having a little boy next lol every little boy i know never ever sleeps haha

hope hubby is home soon chick, its miserable when they are away!


madams alrite thanks hun, ive seen her go down hil many times over the years, she just likes to scare sho's, lol
im hoping she stays strong this winter but i wont be placing bets on it

your hubbys gonna go nuts when you see him, maybe you should get a big name badge in case he walks straight on past you

ah hunni, crossing everything shes ok over the winter, she sounds like a tough little cookie! Poor little angel!

im sure mummy cuddles help!

Hope theres someone to give you cuddles though xxx

LMAO can you imagine me stood there with a big neon sign - Peter Nilsson, its your wife!!!! hahahah xxx

I love how positive your posts always are Lauren, your doing amazingly!

I need to get my head in the same zone as you!

Something I found kinda funny... my friend who I met from being an Army Mrs, her husband and my ex worked together so we became good friends, anyways, shes been doing the shred while her hubby was deployed, he came home for R&R so I went to visit them, knocked on the door and their daughter opened the door as said they are in the front room, she opened the front room door and theres and my mate and her hubby, proper tough guy, (you know the type.. works out like a machine, bench pressing more then his own body weight!) all tattooed up, in his PT gear, sweating and doing level 3 of the shred! He saw me and said in panic "dont tell the lads!!!!" I was nearly wetting myself, the more I laughed the more their 7 year old and baby laughed, baby was in his bouncer, so was leaping up and down chuckling, which made me laugh all the more, by the end of it, the kids and me and my mate were literally rolling around laughing while her hubby stood there with his arms crossed, dead pan face saying "it isnt funny... stop taking the mick...." lol bless him

Sammy this just had me wetting myself laughing!!! so much so i read it to my dad and he was laughing his head off too!!! unnier still is that my dad shreds with me some days hahahah

hes a big 6ft 3 fireman, covered in tattoos, but soft as sh*te!

im only positive about it all chick cos oterwise it would be unbearable i think... if i spend time thinking about whats going on id end up suicidal... so iv spent every day smiling and just being a super proud wife, with an amazing goal to wow hubby... so far its working, and no cracks are showing through yet lol


Sammy, thats really funny... you can tell him that we are all giggling too!! lol hehehe

me too hahaha xx
Day 15 of the shred - half way there!!!

Good morning everyone!

The weekend is here!!

For those of you with snow - HAHA we havnt got any here - its too cold to snow!! i actually dont know whats worse... although i hate snow!

I will love it when peter is home, but i am so worried about lissy seeing it without him here! want that to be one of their firsts together! so if it snows here, all the windows and doors will be shut and the curtains drawn haha

Sorry i was lazy and didnt update my diary, for some reason i jut couldnt be bothered! my priorities have gone loopy, i used to happily sit on the laptop for hours, now im shredding, and filling my time with other stuff and its an actual effort to sit on the laptop....


Yeterday was day 14 of my shred, did my measurements and photos... will upload them below!

Im actually amazed - not only can everyone now see iv lost weight - but I CAN TOO!!! thought it would take forever for me to see, but i can, and im really proud of myself! about time too, im knackered from this shredding hahah

Heres my updated Shred measurements anyway... i forgot to do day 7 so will do all 3 lots...

Red is day 1, Pink s day 7 and Green is day 14

Waist CD - 44.4 42.5 41.7
Hips - 48.8 48 45.2
Boobies - 48.8 48 48
Arms - 15 14.7 14.1
Thighs - 27 27 25.5

Shred is going really well anyway, i am on day 15 - so half way through today!!

will feel better when iv less days to go than iv done haha

not doing alot today its too cold, and got a big day tomorrow, me and lissy are going to my sister in law runningin a race in Knowsley Safari Park, weve been guilted into it and its going to be freezin!! then going to one of peters friends who is home from afghan for 2 weeks to drop some contact lenses off for our other friend!!!

dreading seeing him a bit as peter wont be there so dont know if it will make me sad! but we will see...

Got my psyllium husk in the post yesterday..

put it in my shake as advised and my god it took all my strength not to throw it back up!!!!! completely ruined my shake! gag!

its better to mix it in about 2 inches of water and knock it back i found... although it looks and tastes like wall paper paste!!!

Thats about it for today,

absolutely thrilled peter will be safe for a few weeks, means i can sleep easier up to christmas, and not be dreading that knock on the door...

Oh he also got all 20 of his christmas boxes yerterday...

we were ina huge rush to get them out for the last day of posting 20th november.. and he recieved them 6 days later!

how absolutely rediculous!

wouldnt mind but with them he recieved boxed we sent over 3 weeks ago!

looks like someone has told the RAF to pull their fingers out... and things are finally shifting...

so he spent 3 hours yesterday sorting everything out and literally has more food than he can eat now hahaha

no more boxes until he goesback after his RNR in feb...

anyway, baby is waiting for er porriage!

will update after Shred

laods of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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    Week 1 - 3 photos!.jpg
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Updated goals...

1. Get into Ketosis - Done 11.10.10 :D
2. Get through 1 week. - Done 16.10.10 :D
3. Loose 1st Stone - Done 15.10.10 :D
4. Get through 1 month - Done 9.11.10 :D
5. Get to 18 stone - Done 28.10.10 and into the 17's! :D
6. Carry on after Peter goes to Afghanistan - Done and carried on doing since the 9th October. :D
7. Get to 17stone - done 22.11.10 :D
8. Start Running...(after the shred)
9. Throw away my maternity jeans - done 4.11.10 :D
10. Get BMI below 35
11. get to 16 stone.
12. get to 15 stone by Peters RNR in Feb
13. Get into my size 16 skinny jeans.
14. Get to 14 stone
15. Get into my "boyfriend jeans!
16. Loose 100lbs
17. Get to 12 stone
18, Get into a size 12 by April for hubys home coming!
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WOW! You seriously look amazing so far! You are doing a great job. I just read all that you have written and to be honest with you, you gave me a lot more motivation for myself so i do thank you for that. I start day 1 on the shred today and you just made me excited for it just by seeing your results.

I hope all is well with you, your family, and peter.
WOW! You seriously look amazing so far! You are doing a great job. I just read all that you have written and to be honest with you, you gave me a lot more motivation for myself so i do thank you for that. I start day 1 on the shred today and you just made me excited for it just by seeing your results.

I hope all is well with you, your family, and peter.

Hi hunni!

wiw, you should be at goal the amount of time it would of taken to read all my woffle lol!

Thanks for reading chick, and thats such fab news youa re starting the shred!!! it really really works, and thats from someone who cant stand excercise!!

we are all wonderful, thanks so much for thinking of us! Take care sweet, and make sure you let me know how you get on!

Expect to be a bit achey tomorrow, but work through it chick and you will soon feel fabulous!

hey huni - fab update - I love reading your diary :)

Look at your goals going down its mad - when your hubby and my hubby have both gone back feb time we should arrange a weekend doing something with the babies - something fun and for us as a little treat - what do you say ??

look at your inches going down !!! its mad you are literally dissapearing xx

lotsa love mwah x
hey huni - fab update - I love reading your diary :)

Look at your goals going down its mad - when your hubby and my hubby have both gone back feb time we should arrange a weekend doing something with the babies - something fun and for us as a little treat - what do you say ??

look at your inches going down !!! its mad you are literally dissapearing xx

lotsa love mwah x

Oh what an ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL idea!!!!

WE will both need cheering up i think hunni, specially cos we will of had such a wonderful time with the boys, and we will of worked so so hard, so rewards all round me thinks!!

im glad the inches are coming off, i can see it which is unbelievable!

9 days beautiful lady, we can do it!!!

ITS OFFICIAL..............

I am half way through the shred!!

Have just completed day 15 of 30 WOOHOOOO!!

Didnt think id stick the first week if im honest! If it want for the beautiful Kes and Nicki, i would of hung up my sports bra long ago lol

Day 6 of level 2 and actually feel like im getting worse at it haha but suppose you have to get worse before you can get better... right?!

Anyway, still doing propper press ups, although on the last couple oi must be dropping about 4 inches hahaha

really chuffed that tomorrow i have less days to go than iv done!!

2 weeks left tomorrow!


Re: Afghan weight loss diary! WI 8 - 5LBS!!!

Go girl!

You can really see the difference and what a buzz you must have now that you can see it too x
I'll say it again - your amazing - btw all my fam and friends were saying what a difference there was on your photos and are blown away by your weight loss xx