HOW EXCITING IF WE HAD BEEN SEPERATED AT BIRTH!!! i would love it hahaha ahhh beautiful eyes <3 xx
just with a ten + year gap lol
I'm so glad Peter has been moved away from danger zone

this has made my day for you.
I stopped the bars last week and still lost the same hun but try it for a week and see how it goes. Your weight loss is so fantastic because you are 100% and don't blip - you are amazing to do this !
I am feeling a bit better this afternoon chilling on sofa is most definitely helping - I did consider the shred but thought twice lol just don't want to be another day behind but hey ho I guess in the grand scheme of things its not the end of the world lol
Lissy is definitely the right age for separation anxiety we went through this with charlie when same went back, he's fine now but i'm sure he'll play up again when Sam comes home again he'll want to be in our bed no doubt doh xx
hi babe, sorry about late reply, couldnt find the motivation to update would you believe haha
ah well that makes sense about the baby then, in fairness if my daddy had just upped and left and i didnt know where he had gone or why, i think id panic every time my mummy left the room too.... it just knackers me out!
Having said that... lissy slept from 11 until half 4 this morning uninterupted! woohoo!!! so thats a start!!
glad your better babe, cant wait to hear how u get on this morning! thinking of u xxxxxx
You are doing so well - it must be a huge relief to know Peter is in the safe zone so to speak, well worth not talking to him!
I've just seen your measurements, amazing differences between weeks 1-8.
I have problems with my kids sleeping - my little girl since she was in hospital for a week (partly due to being woken every two hours by docs and partly due to anxiety that developed since then) and my little boy who has never slept! It's hard, and especially so if your little one knows Daddy isn't there. My hubby is away for this week and Kay is missing him loads (she is two).
Good luck for the rest of this week, I think you are doing amazingly!
Hiya sweet,
Sorry for late reply, been lazy with my diary!
Ah sorry to hear about your little girl, hope she starts sleeping soon, its funny, you just become used to being a zombie dont u!!
Kay is a beautiful name!! and i dread having a little boy next lol every little boy i know never ever sleeps haha
hope hubby is home soon chick, its miserable when they are away!
madams alrite thanks hun, ive seen her go down hil many times over the years, she just likes to scare sho's, lol
im hoping she stays strong this winter but i wont be placing bets on it
your hubbys gonna go nuts when you see him, maybe you should get a big name badge in case he walks straight on past you
ah hunni, crossing everything shes ok over the winter, she sounds like a tough little cookie! Poor little angel!
im sure mummy cuddles help!
Hope theres someone to give you cuddles though xxx
LMAO can you imagine me stood there with a big neon sign - Peter Nilsson, its your wife!!!! hahahah xxx
I love how positive your posts always are Lauren, your doing amazingly!
I need to get my head in the same zone as you!
Something I found kinda funny... my friend who I met from being an Army Mrs, her husband and my ex worked together so we became good friends, anyways, shes been doing the shred while her hubby was deployed, he came home for R&R so I went to visit them, knocked on the door and their daughter opened the door as said they are in the front room, she opened the front room door and theres and my mate and her hubby, proper tough guy, (you know the type.. works out like a machine, bench pressing more then his own body weight!) all tattooed up, in his PT gear, sweating and doing level 3 of the shred! He saw me and said in panic "dont tell the lads!!!!" I was nearly wetting myself, the more I laughed the more their 7 year old and baby laughed, baby was in his bouncer, so was leaping up and down chuckling, which made me laugh all the more, by the end of it, the kids and me and my mate were literally rolling around laughing while her hubby stood there with his arms crossed, dead pan face saying "it isnt funny... stop taking the mick...." lol bless him
Sammy this just had me wetting myself laughing!!! so much so i read it to my dad and he was laughing his head off too!!! unnier still is that my dad shreds with me some days hahahah
hes a big 6ft 3 fireman, covered in tattoos, but soft as sh*te!
im only positive about it all chick cos oterwise it would be unbearable i think... if i spend time thinking about whats going on id end up suicidal... so iv spent every day smiling and just being a super proud wife, with an amazing goal to wow hubby... so far its working, and no cracks are showing through yet lol
Sammy, thats really funny... you can tell him that we are all giggling too!! lol hehehe
me too hahaha xx