Hi everyone,
Totally knackered today, lissy has been a right bugger all day! Shes so clingy its driving me mad so iv decided to go home tomorrow,
Think having our own space and getting her in to a good routine again will help, or at least i hope so anyway!
She used to be fab, all day happy playing and would go to bed no problem, now its a nigtmare, takes me at least 45 minutes of her screaming and me rocking her trying to get her to sleep, then i have to sneak her into her cot, and sneak out the room, without her waking - if she does, i have to start all over again!
I thought by coming home i would get a break... i thought grandparents took their grand children out for afternoons and had them over night and stuff but apparently not... so im exhausted and angry at my mum adn dad for not doing something they never said they would if that makes sense..
Anyway, i think when i get home i will jsut get on with things like i always used to, get in a good routine, adn just be more pleasant to people all round... sick of petty arguments at home etc so think my mum and dad will be glad to see the back of me for a while too...
Hoping the weather holds out and i can travel back down south, have looked at the weather and it looks ok so far! touch wood!
Iv got 12 days left of the shred which is a wonderful thing to be able to say, so thats another thing, when i go home i will finish before i come back up here so wont be so tired all the time too!
Plus it will break december up loads i reckon, and when i come home it will be christmas and only 4-5 weeks until peter is home!!
Going to have an early night tonight as couldnt go to Zumba as my mums on nights again tonight and my dad doesnt get in from work until half 9!
Havnt been for 2 weeks now, and if i dont go home it will be about 5 weeks... so hope i can get back into it!!
Anyway, thas all from me today!
Will let you know if i go home!
baby crying must dash