Hey my lovelies!
So he's gone again... The RAF brought his flight forward so instead of leaving today he left last night at tea time... Got to love the RAF!
Anyway... It was awful, absolutely 100 times worse than the first time, lissy looks really confused and she definitely knew, this morning she was rung round shouting daaaaaddy looking for him which is breaking my heart, I actually feel like my heart is hurting, didn't realise how awful it would be the second time roud!
Sorry if everyone Expecting a big cheery post today, but I have got it in me, I'm trying to smile but feeling a bit empty to be hOnest!
You cabt describe the loneliness Because it's also filled with sheer terror that you will have to experience that loneliness for the rest of your life!
We had the absolute best 2 weeks, I reckon I cab say they were the best 2 weeks of our lives, watching lissy and Peter fall in love with eachother all over again was just the best, and Alyssia had a wonderful birthday made even more special with daddy being home!
My baby girl is now one... As of yesterday I now have a propper little girl

she's wonderful!
I didn't go back on my diet Tuesday Peter asked me not to and we had a few meals out etc, I'm glad I stayed off plan because we made even more memories taking lissy out or lunch etc...
The damage - I'm 15st 11 - so 1 stone 4lb on! WOOPS!!!
Hoping most of that cOmes off this week but if it doesn't ... It will come off next week!
I havnt got the energy to beat mysel up about it so instead I'm throwin all my energy into day 1 of cd!
Iv had 1 shake so far and I'm feeling back in control already!
Can't wait to have my wrinkly belly back it's smoothed right back out lol didnt think I'd be willing my lose skin to come back!
Won't be starting jillian until about Wednesday I don't think as just need to get my head back in the game!
Anyone wanting to shred with me is more than welcome I will need a rift hoof up the backside this time!
Thankyou all so so much for your constant support just another 8 weeks to go and were done lol
2nd goodbye is done - looking onward massively for the 2nd hello and hoping you'll all be there with me!
More tonorrow, off to drown my sorrows in another litre of water
Loads of love xxxxxxxx