Hello lovely Lauren your pictures were gorgeous and so pleased your baby girl had such a wonderful birthday with daddy have a fantastic week u have done amazing and an inspiration
Take care lots of love
Sharon xxxxx
Hi Sharon, thanks so much for your message, we are so lucky Alyssia got to have her daddy home for her birthday, he missed everything else lol, so those memories are deffinately priceless, Hope youre ok lovely, loads of love xxxxx
Hey Lauren my heart goes out to you! I'm "lucky" to have DH gone during weekdays. The little one still doesn't get it every Monday mornings when he wakes up and finds his dad gone!
Anyway followed your diary from the beg but thought I'd come forward and wish you the best for round 2 of cd.
I'll be glad to join you in your shred challenge... Need a little spur up my backside to start is all
Hi sweet, thanks so much for your message, its funny although at the time i absoutely hate peter going away, it keeps everything exciting and new, i expect its the same for you! i look forward to every time he comes home, and miss him more every day! i suppose thats why it works for us! starting the Shred ASAP. need a kick up the bum, possibly starting tonight but on day 3 CD so will see how the old energy levels are, and how well little miss lissy goes to bed! will let you know!! xxxx
Hoping we will be with you? Try keeping us away!
Loved seeing your photos and reading your posts on FB, hoping the time flies my darling, love to you both xXx
hi beautiful lady, sorry about the hundreds of photos ha just didnt want to miss a minute! feels like he never came home so im really glad iv got the pictures to look at as proof lol
hope your ok hunni loads of love xxxx
Oh hun I just wanna cone down there and give you the biggest hug! Hunny im always here for ya.. and so is everyone else.

8 weeks will fly by, and you will be able to get that stone and a bit off.. and you will be fine. And get smaller than when he came..
What date is he due back?
Hugs for you and lissy....
hi chickie
thanks so much sweet, feel better already, just needed to get back into the swing of it i think, as always diet helping out loads, cos im super focused, so fingers crossed yep should fly by! im already back to worrying i havnt got enough time lol,
wont et his date back until a couple of weeks before he is due home, but it will be mid april! im aiming for the 15th, but the army change things by the second!!
happy valentines day! xxxxxx
so sorry that he has had to go back huni! Ur post had me welling up, must be awful for you!
But you are doing so well and everyone will be here for you! x x
Hi chick, sorry had a bit of a moan day, back to myself now, thanks so much for your message! hope your doing ok xxxx
Hi Lauren,
I'm sorry he's gone again, but -- hopefully -- the 8 weeks will fly by. And, what is good is that Lissy knows that he comes back now (because he did). You'll get that weight off in no time -- and even more.
I do not have the DVD, but I'll see if I can get one and shred with you.
Hi lovely Mel, thanks for your message hun, Lissy has settled right back into it already, i knew she would, shes a little star! Cant wait to see her face when he comes home again, cant describe how much she loves him, you have to see it!!
hope your ok lovely and thankyou so much for your messages over the last couple of weeks, im back now, so will be boring everyone with my diary daily lol xxxx
Wow Lauren your story is a real inspiration to us all. So glad your OH had a good leave and don't worry he will be back with you safe and sound before you know it. Hugs to you and the little one and all our Servicemen and Women in Afghan and other theatres xxx
Hi Fay, hope ]your ok chick thanks so much for your message, yep i literally burst with pride when i think of our wonderful heores out there! its what keeps me going! we had the absolute best 2 weeks, and have enough wonderful memories to get us through the next crappy 8! take care hun xxxxx
Sorry he has gone again chick, stupid raf with their flights!!!
Sending you massive virtual hugs :hug99: The 8 weeks will fly by, might not seem like it right now but before you know it youll be making the journey to go and pick him up again
You sound so in love, its so sweet. Keep smiling chicken xxx
Hi my lovely girl,
im back lol, stopped feeling sorry fo rmyself, had a day yesterday to clear my head, and gave myself a shake, no point crying over spilt milk, and your right he will be home again trashing the house and dong my head in before i know it!
hows things with you babe? xxxxxxxx
Sending you hugs, can't begin to imagine how sad it must be to make these goodbyes. You are so brave, a real inspiration to all of us. Xxx
The hello's make it worthwhile sweetie, thankyou for your message, without my lovely friends i would crack up, always got to smile through the bad days xxx
hey beauts, sod the weight gain - its only water...you know that and Gillian will kick your arse into the bargain.
Im back after another break (my 40th - shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!) and i havent stood on the scales yet but re-start on Monday. I find it so easy to get back in control but allowed xmas, my week in LA and my birthday week as my forecasted breaks and now I am on plan, with KES to get the rest off by April. I think Im going to try SS+ for two weeks to sort myself out but then again, I have had great results on 810.
My 40th was a dumpsville state due to family feuding (namely my spiteful sister) but thats another story. On the day of my birthday, I was getting an icecream (didnt enjoy it, by the way - food tastes weird!) and my mum said to the girl - its her birthday today and asked the girl to ask how old I looked. When she said 32 well, I almost passed out from glee.
Anyway, im off to update my abysmal diary which is looking lonely and pooey.
Keep being strong, plodding on and updating you diary - we all loves your determination and true life experiences xx
Kirsty x
Hello you beautiful 32 year old!! So so sorry i missed your birthday babe, i was so wrapped up in my own stuff i completey forgot, HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY from a crapy friend!! thats awful about your sister, miserable people drive me mad, funny what jealousy can do hey.. but hey, your fabulous, slimming, and jut wonderful so sod her!! Bet LA was fantastic!!! sooooo jealous!!! the furthest iv been in the last year is skegness lmao!! dont know what ever posessed me to have a child, lol before that i was a jet setter, india china the lot! hey ho hahah
will have a read of your diary in a min chick once iv done my own, and will spread some smiles your way!
well done for getting back on, im on day 3 again, forgot about the fact that i can never bloody sleep for the first few weeks, thats enough to keep me on plan jesus im knackered! April sounds like a fab goal, im going to jump in with you both if you dont mind, as the hubster is home mid april, could do with you 2 to keep me sane lol
loads of love sweet xxxxxxxx
hey huni - you know I'm here for you and you know that I know EXACTLY how you feel. We have Sam's date for going back (15th March) and will be gone foreign for 4 months again so am dreading it ! I am dreading Charlie missing his daddy as like Lissy and Peter they have totally fallen in love all over again !
Think of the positives, plan your countdown and phone/fb/text me if you need me !!! anytime xxxx love ya xx
hey my beautiful friend, we will do what we planned and treat ourselves when Sam goes back, and as soon as i can find your house i will be there lol, we can do all sorts to break the time up, actually cant believe how fast those 4 months went before peter came home though, although as Sams tour is 4 months i expect it will feel longer, we were sort of half way at that point if that makes sense...
anyway, our gorgeous babies are super stars, and a whole load stronger than us im sure, your a veteran at this now lol, Cant wait for your count down to come round again! xxxxxxxxxxx
thanks sweetie xxxx
Oh Lauren!! The pics are amazing! Even after 8 years of homecomings, I still well up when I see other peoples.
You look absolutely amazing!!
And I know its so so horrible when they have to go back but remember its never goodbye... its just see you soon.
But as they say... if you think a soldier is strong... you should see his wife, you are doing your hubby proud by being the strong positive women that you are.
That is the only way to describe it... like a physical pain, everytime Adam left, I would be all smiles and waving, then the moment I got back home, it would hit me like a sledgehammer, its something you can never explain, the days when you want to stay in bed and cry but you get yourself up, plaster a smile on your face and get on with life. It never gets easier but you do get stronger, might not feel like it at the time but when you look back, you can see how much strength you have gained and civvie wives and girlfriends will never experience the feeling we get when we see them again and its like you fall in love all over again.
Keep smiling, keep your chin up, you are doing amazingly
Hi Sammy!!
Lovely to see you around chick,
Thanks so so much for your message, iv stopped being miserable now and we are back into our little routine, counting down the days until hes home, its not all bad, i get my king size bed back again lol
your right about it hitting you when you get home, i got back after dropping him off, put lissy to bed, and realised how lonely i was again, then i woke up the next morning with the most beautiful baby, and realised i had to get over it and be the best mummy i could b!
anyway, 8 weeks is nothing compared to the 18 weve done, im so lucky to have had him home for lissys 1st birthday, she had the bet day, so im really grateful for that!
got to keep positive
speak soon hun xxxxxxxxx
Hi Lauren, just seen all of your pics and you look so beautiful! All of you look so happy, it's lovely
The weight you've put on will be off in no time and it seems like it was worth it too!
I hope the next few weeks fly by for you. Can't wait to read about your next reunion
hi hunni, ah thankyou, we look like a lovely little family on them lol think it cs we were all super duper hapy!!
i cant wait for our next reunion lol, i will put hundreds of pictures on you will al be sick of them!
hows things with you chick xxxxxx