Well good morning from Liverpool!
It does feel good to be home, thank god i ran home to mummy and daddy when i did,
Lissy was really poorly last night, she had to go to hospital, shes got gastro enteritis, chest infection, ear infection and tonsilitis, she is also ketotic, and the ketones are making her really poorly cos shes so tiny!
So, saw a wonderful doctor who was going to admit her but let he come home on the provider i starved her for another 24 hours (already starved her the day before) and only give her sugary fluids obviously to get her out of ketosis, so shes on her 2nd carton of apple juice today and has started a course of eurythromicen and steroids!
If anythign changes iv got to take her straight back in, and she will be admitted and put on drips etc to re hydrate her and up her sugar levels!
Poor babe
was up all night changing dirty nappies and hd to change her jarmies 3 times and the beddine once, she ended up in with me in the end, poor little angel!
Today she seems a bit better i expect thats the apple juice working its and also the antibiotics etc kicking in, so fingers crossed she will get better at home!
Otherwise its an emergency call to the welfare team and a helicopter out of afghan for peter! oh the excitement...
Anyway, mum forced me to go for my run this morning as obviously i missed yesterday due to the babba, so i am now Week 2 run 1 done, and feeling good about it,
im glad she made me go, it gave me chance to chill out a bit, cos iv been on edge for days!
Other than the baby, everything wonderful, im back up north until Monday, will be going back down south after i see my CDC monday hopefully with a smile on my face, as planning to be pretty much back at 14 7 so i can start getting these miserable pounds off!
Hope your all well, will be back with more as and when, dependant on the little one of course!
had all 3 shakes yesterday between 7pm and 9pm as was that busy with lissy i forgot about myself!
so made sure i had one when i got up today and will have my second one pretty soon!
loads of love as always xxxxxxxxxx