Hi Lovely Lauren --
How is your day going? I hope all is well with you.
Morning Mel, Day is going great so far lol, ask me at 4 oclock when lissy has tired me out haha,
How are you doin?? xxx
Aw Lauren - don't beat yourself up - you have had so much on your plate and done so well - But don't do it again...right! Glad you seem to have got your head back round it - any time you want to eat come on here - it really helps - or send me a text and I'll shout at you by text!! No pressure - but seriously you have been such an inspiration to so many of us that you can't fail(yourself or us!) now - what would we all do!! - as I said no pressure then ;-)
Hey my lovely lady, are you on facebook?? add me if you are,im Lauren Hunt Nilsson, yeah im fine now lol thanks for telling me off! lmao at the pressure then hey!! I need something like that to keep me going, hate the thought of letting anyone down! how you doing? god youve sooooo nearly lost 100lbs!!!!! xxx
Hi Lauren
Have read your diary - which I think is great - and posted once before. I am ashamed to say this is my third time doing VLCD each time putting some weight back on - but never all of it.
Wanted to comment on the packs - I have a spreadsheet with my loses, and the first time I did it I had three packs per day. When I met my current counsellor, she insisted because I am 5'9" that I should have four - and at the end of the 12 weeks both times I had lost exactly the same amount.
This time (my last time

) I am losing slightly quicker on 4, but I am going to the gym. I intend to get right to target (for the first time) and then go through maintenance - another first.
Good luck with the rest of your CD journey - not that I think you'll need it.
Hi Nelli lovely to see you back chick! and thanks so much for the advice on packs, will be deffinately having the 4, just until im back into the swing of it, although yesterday i forgot and only had 3 lol im useless!! youll be smashing this time chick, i think sometimesu have to have a couple of crappy goes at it to really make you realise you want it! cant wait to see you shrink hun, let me know how your getting on! best of luck xxxx
Hi Lauren,
It's your diary rant if you want (or need to). I LOOOOOVVVVEEE the dress. It is a bit 60s retro and very glam. It's going to look smashing on you.
I am glad that you have considered how important it is for you take care f yourself now that your a mother.
Also, as the mother of a female -- my DD turned 12 yesterday -- it is important to set a good example on proper eating, etc. I do not like my DD is aware that I am doing a rather extreme diet to shed weight. I wish I had been able to get it off and be managing it properly by the time she was aware of my eating habits. I want my DD to never go through what I have with my weight/self esteem, etc. struggles.
So, congrats on getting this sorted whilst Lissy is so young.
Hi again lol,
you have it the nail on the head! i blame my mum for my eating habbits, rewards of food etc, she has instilled so many habbits into me from being over weight all her life, she is now at goal from cambridge, and im still loosing weight, all of whichi absolutely dont want lissy exposed to, im hoping to be a healthy family, peter is so super fit, that i think lissy and our next baby would be ok anyway cos he will have them in the park playin football etc all the time, but still no one wants to have a fat mummy...
Hello lovely Lauren the lovely dress will look gorgeous on lovely you!!!! Good idea about having 4 packs until ur ready u can sooooo do this chick keep going huni u have shown through ur diary how strong u are just find that inner strength again and kick ass!!!!!!
Have great day xxxxxx
ahhh thanks babe!!! love the dress, wish they did it in creambut love it none the less!! i feel like im back in it, but dont want to jinx myself too much lol... tink the tellin goff did the trick anyways! hope your good hunni xxx
Hi Honey! So sorry you're struggling at the moment. Don't let it get you down. You are amazing and you can do it! The dress is absolutely gorgeous, by the way.
I've also struggled to get back onto CD, but I'm taking it hour by hour, day by day. It's working for me. I'm going to start doing the 30 Day Shred again next week and also Davina and Zumba (not all in the same day, mind!
). Maybe you can help me select a dress to wear for my friends' wedding in June, as I have no clue when it comes to dresses.
Stay strong, my sweet and give beautiful Lissy a hug from me. xx
Hi my beautiful friend, well done for getting bak on, hour by hour seems to be how im taking it the last 2 days and yep its working!
would absolutely LOVE to help you find a dress! you will look stunning chick! how exciting!!
My goodness, wheres Tess gone and who is this excercise addict lol! thats fab about the shred babe, and zumba, wish i could go but no one to look after lissy down here, so looks like running and shred it is for me, oh the joys!!
thankyou for your support as always sweetie loads of love to you all xxxxx
Love the dress... very nice. And get those 4 packs down ya, and enjoy your new found mo jo!
Will do hunni thanks so much for the suggestion feel better about it already! xxxx
I flippin love love love :heartpump: that dress!!!!! If only I had 75smackers haha
Seriously, glad to see you back with us honey. You have been through so much its no wonder you had a couple of days feeling a bit glum. But you've done the right thing, had a chat with yourself and now your back to it - couldnt be prouder of you for doing so. Glad you are enjoying the c25k so far and running with a pram!!! Thats surely gotta be burning extra cals too!! :giggle:
Good idea with the 4 shakes though, you'll defo need them
Keep smiling babe xxx
Honest Tan its like running through jelly hahah Deffinately worked my arms out as well, even putting deodrant on this morning was a challenge hahah
Last run of the week today made up iv got into this, and only got you to thank sweet, will soon be cursing you by week 5 hahah
yeah i went a bit mad, hate people who make stupid excuses, adn there i was but at least iv nipped it in the bud hey! back on shitty day 2 lol here we go again haha