AJ's LL Management Journey!

Oh AJ I find your thread so good. As I am nearing management myself (very scared about that) it is great to hear bout your food choices and feelings. Can I ssay you are very inventive with your food choices and recipes and that's great. I had visions of plain chicken and broccoli only on the management phase!!!

BTW love the fact that you are getting kinky with hubby!!!!! You go girl.
"No more will I 'give in' to these thoughts - they are destructive to me and will ultimately lead tobed habits returning and weight gain"

"Bed Habits" AJ?? Is this a freudian slip given your recent bedtime activities?? :D :D :D

Anyways, loving your posts, you are such an inspiration I cannot wait till management & I can try out your recipies.

Thanks for your comments, Joolz and Skinny.

"Bed Habits!" Ha ha!

I had a laugh when I realised what I'd written, Skinny.

You may be right - he is working away just now - I must be missing it - I mean him!
You are doing fabulously AJ - I too cant wait for management and being in control of food - Im only on week 5 but I can feel the changes happening already!

Keep the thread going - it is the first one I look for!!:)
AJ. You make all sound like such fun. Do you plan ahead what you are going to have? It will be so nice to have the freedom to now you can go out an select something from a supermarket / restaurant and not spend too much time having to think about it.

Well done on resisting that bolognese sauce. Some food just keeps calling us, you must me very proud at having such control!

Do you get all the recipies from the book or are you a bit of a master chef on the side. I love cooking but sometimes I can be sooooo lazy and can't be bothered. I think thats a big part of why I put weight on in the first place - it was so much easier to replace a meal with a box or two of crackers and a bottle or two of wine. Have you always made the effort to cook or is this part of your management journey? Sorry to ask so many questions but you give such food for thought!

Hia Cake! and Slimbride!

When I started Management, one of the booklets I was given was a receipe book for weeks 1 - 4. I couldn't go last Tuesday (parents evening) so assume I'll get another for weeks 5 - 8. There are some easy, tasty ideas in it anyway.

I am not fond of slaving over a hot stove, so recipes have to be quick, simple and tasty.

It never occured to me to eat stuff that wasn't on the 'list', mainly because from past experience of diets, that kind of thinking/behaviour causes slips, and then more slips, and eventually a binge. Then despair, depression, and a long hard slog to get to where I was before I 'slipped'. It's the old, old story. So this time, I am doing it properly.

With LL it is easy - everything is black and white. Even now in Management, there is a list, and advice - follow the list and advice - ignore the crooked thinking, and eventually you will get there ... and stay there.
Still a fantastic thread AmandaJayne... I've been away for a few weeks, and in fact took about a week and a half (planned) off of LL to just have a carefree student existence for a little bit. Was eating and drinking such huge amounts of ****, and by the end was really craving being back on LL and how it feels to be detoxing.

In the first week off, when I went for my weigh in I had gained 9lbs(!!!!!!!!!!!), but thankfully since starting back on LL this past Sunday I've lost about 12. Phew! So I only threw myself off by a week...

Your post really is enlightening, especially after having the time off and seeing where some weaknesses still are for me, and seeing how you're doing in this phase of life (because it is life now, isnt it? not just a diet...).
Hi AJ, congratulations on your magnificent weight loss so far. I am hoping to be in your shoes one day (I pray for that day!). How long did it take you to lose the six and a half stone. I am just trying to gauge for myself (although I know that we all lose at different weights). I am in week 4, and I am enjoying the liberating feeling that losing weight can bring. I wish you all the success in the world. Angela x
Welcome back Meghan!

I am pleased for you that you've lost all the weight you gained during your week off. The important things are that (a) you thoroughly enjoyed your 'time off' and (b) you are glad to be back on track again.

Yes, it is for life (not just for Christmas!!!)

Hello there Angela,

Well, I am proof that you WILL be in my shoes one day. Why, because after 30 years of (failed) dieting, I have succeeded! Yippee! I started on 24th August, that was the date of my first LL meeting and I have never looked back. I am nearly half way through the Management programme and am at a weight and size which I love. Minimins has helped enormously too. It is a great place to read, learn, post, and get advice.
Well, it's Friday night, I've had a good couple of days.

Last night ...
... tried roasted carrot, sweet potato and parsnip. I marinated them with teriaki sauce and ginger. They were still somewhat dry though and tasted 'ok' but I didn't finish them. Chopped some veg and a small cooked chicken breast and stir fried it all with black bean sauce, serving on a bed of (you guessed) spinach. I think I ate too much.

This morning - pieces of two oranges microwaved for two mins (with cinnamon) - lovely start to the day (plus chocolate pack).

Plum at 'play time'.

Lunch out at the pub. Ordered a soup - chicken and veg. It was horrible. Didn't taste a bit 'home made'. Tasted like out of a packet, you know, when the bits of veg have a slightly chewy consistency. When the waitress came to collect the plate I said that I hadn't liked the soup, was it home made? She said yes. Hmm, I don't think so, I thought.

Anyway, she took it off the final bill. It meant no lunch though. I refuse to eat rubbish like that. I am so disappointed because they usually do home made soups (and they're lovely). If they didn't have any, they should have said so and I would have ordered a salad.

As soon as I got home I chopped up some kiwi fruits (3) and ate them with a fork.

I had cooked a chicken last night for this evenings tea and removed the two breasts (they're bigger than mine now) for Saturday's meal. The rest went into a big stir-fry together with chopped peppers,spring onions, radish, red onions and some lemon sauce. The family had it with rice/spinach/tomato, and I just had the spinach/tomato. I didn't have much though. I feel that I have to watch portion sizes. I decided that if I was still hungry after eating it, I would have some more. Needless to say, I wasn't!

I have to tell you about Wednesday evening. The kids played up something rotten. In fact, it was Jayne who was playing 'mega brat'. Oh she was impossible! Jamie (usual 'mega brat') was all self-righteous indignation because his sleep was interruped by 'all the banging' going on in her bedroom. In that situation I refuse to 'play' and sit quietly, speaking calmly, and deflecting the awful comments directed at me. Eventually though, I yelled at her to 'drop dead'.

Anyway, the next day (Thursday) she came to me with a note which read "Dear Mum, I am so sorry for behaving like a 13 year old, I'll try not to do it again. Love from Jayne XXX" she gave me a small bottle of bubble bath too. I replied by saying "I am sorry for behaving like a 43 year old". And we hugged.

I got a free 'GL Diet Cookbook' from another forum through the post today. I have to read it and give a review. I have skimmed though it but hope to have time for a good read later in the weekend. I have another book to read which I got on a short loan from the library (waiting list) called 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins. I have been on the waiting list for ages. But, can I read it in two weeks? I hope so. I have ANOTHER book in my handbag (about murderous goings-on on a Scottish island), and another by the bed (over 800 pages). I really have to get going and read them!

Minimins is keeping me from my books!!!

Hubby is giving me funny looks and glances, I know what HE wants!! Ha ha!
Wow 6 months to lose your weight, that is totally amazing. I hope that I can follow your example. I love this board, everyone is so helpful and friendly. Thanks! Angela x

It never occured to me to eat stuff that wasn't on the 'list', mainly because from past experience of diets, that kind of thinking/behaviour causes slips, and then more slips, and eventually a binge. Then despair, depression, and a long hard slog to get to where I was before I 'slipped'. It's the old, old story. So this time, I am doing it properly.

That's how I felt Amanda. Even if it seemed okay, I had learnt my lessons from the past (eventually:rolleyes:).

You are doing brilliantly. How much longer now until you finish the Management bit?
I am on the fifth week of 12.

Alcohol (wine) came back on the list this week, but I can take it or leave it really.

I have a night out next Friday - primary school quiz night (usually a riot). Then the following Friday is the High School Race Night - never been to one of those before. Might have a drink, might not. Thinking of taking some home made houmous and carrot/cucumber/pepper strips for the 'snack element' of the evening.

Just thought I'd post a new message. Am feeling a bit pee'd off just now. This morning started so well. Made a cooked breakfast for Hubby and son (is it my Birthday, queried Hubby? It was last night, I thought - did some 'new stuff'!). Picked up daughter and two friends and took them off to S Queensferry. Had a wander along the front by the seashore, then a herbal tea/water at the cafe. Dropped off the friends later and went home with daughter. We made a lovely healthy lunch for everyone together then afterwards ...

... I announced that we would have to leave within 15 minutes in order to walk to town and get to eye appointments in time (Hubby and daughter). Big disagreement followed - both kids rebelling. Eventually, Hubby and daughter left the house in time. I would follow with son (who refused to leave the house), once he had 'come round' and decided to make the 'right choice'. Well, eventually he did and we left the house to find daughter standing there. Further words followed and in the end she refused to leave. Myself and son went to catch up with Hubby to explain. I returned home with son, in a foul mood. Could hardly speak to either of them. Son apologised.

So here we are, no TV, no computer games, no playing out or in with friends. Just me on the laptop, sipping lemon/water. I can't do the stuff I wanted to in town - very annoyed, although Hubby has been charged with getting a large bag of spinach - so it's not all bad!

However, son has lost opportunity to get new sim-card for his phone. Daughter has lost opportunity to sort out her 'moustache' (see other thread!) problem AND have eye test that SHE wanted. They have both spent a miserable Saturday afternoon - good!

Daughter (in room) has texted me to apologise. I have texted to accept apology and reassure that, whatever happens, I will always love her. Ditto son.

I don't know why they continue to argue against this walking to town routine. We do it EVERY weekend and have done for months. I enjoy it, it's good for me and it's good for everyone else - good heavens, it only takes about an hour!
I will not back down on this.

I wonder if it is because their friends seem to get what they want and get their own way a lot. I'm not like that with my kids. It wouldn't be fair on me or them. Sigh... it is all so TIRING, far more tiring than walking into town, anyway.

Well, glad I got that off my chest!
AJ - Don't you just love teenagers? I have girls 13 and 14 and boys 9 and 11. For the past 9 years its generally worked quite well. But I don't know what happens at 11 they suddenly think you don't have authority to request anything they don't want to do. Its starts with the little' Can I just watch / do / msn this?' to ' Do I have to?' to a full blown ' I hate you! - You can't make me! - I wish I was never born! - We ALWAYS do what you want to do!' . Couldn't you just scream. I still have to bribe mine to do stuff they don't want to. For eaxample I took two to mass this morning on the proviso that I would take them out for lunch if they were well behaved - It made the morning a lot easier and saved my cooking but its a sign of very sloppy parenting but then sometimes you just don't want the battle.

I made my 13 year old walk to town last week - MADE her - how could I. I had the sulks for the whole 40 minutes but they soon disappeared with jeans from TK Maxx. Have just sent the same child to her room for an hour for stealing her sisters Bench socks. At least you haven't got the make-up and clothes 'borrowng' going on.

Sounds like you eatings going really well and you haven't had any slips - you must be feeling incredibly proud and righteous. Its true though that we all need life-long strategies because I'm not planning to go back either!
' Do I have to?' to a full blown ' I hate you! - You can't make me! - I wish I was never born! - We ALWAYS do what you want to do!'

Ha ha, Cake!

I had that very conversation with son just half an hour ago!

First thing had my pack plus two chopped up oranges with ginger/cinnamon, heated in micro for 2 mins. Mmmm.

Today, we walked into town (me and Jayne). No problem persuading Jayne today, thankfully. Ate a plum on the way.

We ended up in New Look and Jayne persuaded me to try on some 'modern' jeans, rather than me continuing to wear the 'old fashioned' ones I usually do. I also got one of those A-line long tops, which gathers under the bust and flares out. It looked really good with the jeans! I had thought I would look to 'young' but actually it was an ok sort of young. It is a sort of red/black/white pattern. The jeans are a size 14 because they are a much more comfortable fit than the 12s. The top is a 12. I got another top - red knitted v-neck with an integral white collar/cuffs in white cotton. That'll do for work. And finally black ballet-pump flats with a bar across - apparently they are for the jeans.

I'll wear 'em for the quiz night next Friday!

We arranged to meet Hubby and son later with car because I had a lot of grocery shopping to buy. Met Hubby at Wetherspoons at 2.00 - but no son. Apparently he wanted to to town with friend later.

I was also really cross because Hubby had decided to walk to town too. "What about the shopping" I exclaimed. "We can carry it home between us". Was the answer. "Forget it, there will be too much, I'll have come back tomorrow". Grrr.

Anyway, I chose the warm chicken and bacon salad with honey/mustard dressing. I gave the bacon to Hubby (it was a bit fatty), and ate the rest - lovely.

Got some 'hair removal cream' for Jayne as per the advice in another thread. She will have a go with it later.

Got a bit of essential grocery shopping and Hubby and Jayne got the bus home with it. I walked back. Had another plum on the way.

Teatime, had rest of chicken breast with spinach and mixed salad, balsamic/ginger dressing, raita.

Will have final pack later, with a couple of chopped up plums.

Although the amount of water I drink daily has started to reduce, I still like to drink plenty.

Son has apologised for shouting at me earlier. I always appreciate that. I know he doesn't mean what he says, so I don't usually take it personally.

AmandaJayne, I was just wondering.. I know you entered management with weight left to lose... did your weight loss slow from your "normal" losses over foundation and development?? At least in the first stage of it where you had 3 packs??
Hello there, Meghan,

I asked my counsellor at my usual Thursday meeting about moving to management when I still had nearly a stone to lose to get to my 'goal' of 10.13. I was surprised when she said "You can start next Tuesday, that's when the Management meetings are held, I'll give you a partial week of packs to last 'till then".

However, initially the amount of food you eat is small. It has to be because you are just not used to eating even a small amount at first*. You are using three packs amounting to approx 400 cals (Can't remember the exact amount) so if you are eating a small piece of low fat protein (e.g. chicken breast) with a bit of green salad - your calorie intake is still going to be small. Gradually, over the weeks you will increase the amount of veg and fruit you eat, then in the fifth week increase to two protein meals a day, plus more veg and fruit.

So, to answer your question, my weight loss over the weeks and months has been up and down really, and I haven't noticed any appreciable difference so far in the rate of loss during Managment.

However, last week I could not attend the meeting due to a parents evening, so tomorrow night will be interesting. Will I have lost that final 2 lbs, or not. Will I be in 'maintaining' mode for the sixth week?

... or will that shark finally eat me up!

* Be aware that for the first two days of management, when just eating a piece of protein, you may experience bloating and general discomfort. It does wear off, thankfully. I was initially worried that I was 'intolerant' to salmon (my favourite fish). Your stomach is just getting used to being filled again!