Well you look amazing
I think my body is comfy around this weight. Starting to think I am too. Can't decide wether I'm genuinely happy or giving up lol. I'd love to see the 12's just because I can haha. After today I have just 3 days of exante till my blow out then Atkins
I think you've made the right choice and you know exante works for you, you know you can come back if you ever need it. I might do a week after my all inclusive holiday in June cos I'm definitely not dieting on that. You're doing brill and looking good on it xxxx
I think you've made the right choice and you know exante works for you, you know you can come back if you ever need it. I might do a week after my all inclusive holiday in June cos I'm definitely not dieting on that. You're doing brill and looking good on it xxxx