You say it's working really well for you, yet you're asking on the other part of the forum why you're gaining weight?
You are right, when I said it was working well for me I was thinking about my life style alone, not about the weight loss. My kids health is way more important than my weight so I guess I was focusing on that. Maybe I will wait a month of this routine to see if it changes anything, do you agree?
Where is your oatbran in your menu? I am still amazed at the quantities you eat. When you see your doctor about your thyroid etc etc, perhaps mention your healthy appetite too? I can't imagine eating a whole pound of meat in one sitting. Are you really that HUNGRY?
I didnt have any oatbran yesterday (fist time, i promise) because I ran out of it in the morning. I did eventually go to the shops to get some more but because I was so bloated the day before I thought "let me see if not having the oatbran will help". I dont know if that made a big difference but I am fine now, no bloating and back to the weight I was 10 days ago.
About my appetite, it is interesting you should say that. This diet made me find out something about myself: I cant stand feeling hungry! That seems stupid but it was a great discovery for me. When I did ww I used to have buckets of soup because the points werent enought. I would occasionally binge on ww (always with ww food so I wouldnt feel so guilty) and I used to think it was because I wasnt strong enough. Now I know that consciously or uncounsciously I hate to feel hungry and that is when the overeating occurs.
Am I really that hungry? EXELLENT question. I dont know. First of all I didnt think what I ate yesterday was a lot. Thanks for oppening my eyes to that! Do I eat because I am hungry or do I eat to feel full?
You're eating lots of jelly now, I see... is that one sachet made up per day? more? What are you drinking? Exercise?
I am eating a lot of jelly now, true. I have a very sweet tooth and I thought between having a lot of yogurt or muffins with tolarated items, the jelly was the best option. I am having maybe 2 to 3 sachets a day. What do you think about that?
Water- I was relaxed about that because usually I have 3 cups of coffee and 2 teas a day so I thought if I had 3 or 4 glasses of water it would be enough but yesterday I made an effort and made sure I had 3 litres of water. Result: the extra kilo was gone this morning.
Exercise: I do try to do as much as possible. I have two messy kids and a messy husband so I am always busy around the house going up and down the stairs a thousand times a day but yes, I could do a lot more.
I hear you re veggies at the weekend... but if the rhythm isn't working for you, causing bloating (transit ok?) etc., then perhaps it's time to rethink and move to his recommended alternating days.
On veg days, do you eat LOADS of veg?