I'll admit I'm indifferent to Alex. However you've formed an opinion based upon what you've been spoon fed by the media, so talk of puppets really are unfair if you're allowing the media to treat you like one.
... clearly she wasnt good enough to go the proper way about getting a contract herself..
So everyone well known in the [music] industry is good enough, talented etc. and anyone who can't get a contract is ... well ... rubbish?
Fair enough. Don't hate the people who compete in it though.
this is a pure example of why.. can sing.. millions of people all over the world can sing well..
There are lots of people who have many talents who will never make it big.
she cant play any instruments..
So what? Thats like saying ; there are lots of people that can create good meals by heating up ingredients, but everyone who can cook a meal from scratch deserve to be Michelin starred chefs. It doesn't work like that.
she has her music chosen for her..
Like so many artists AND bands out there ... if it isn't good enough to sell bucket loads it's not making it onto the album
shes told and taught how to sing the music..
Not sure where you got that from? She has a style and she sticks to it.
shes destroyed a great song..
She's interpreted a song - hardly what I'd term as destroying it. However it's your opinion.
she sounds terrible in interviews.. especially that radio 1 one on the charts..
I hope she becomes media savvy soon. I don't think I'd sound too coherent when interviewed either ...
I hate it cos a load of charvas have now come out and said.. "aaw.. but Jeff Buckleys version is depressing.."
I don't like snobbery of any kind and this verges on it I'm afraid. It's a lovely song and if it can be interpreted in a way that makes it more enjoyable to the masses then so be it. It's not as though the original version by Leonard Cohen is now illegal to listen to. If you don't like the latest version, switch off.
I personally find the latest incarnation of Do They Know It's Christmas really horrid, however it appeals to those who like the new version as it reflects the new genres of music. I choose to listen to the original - I don't hate those who performed the new version though.
No ****... its meant to be depressing you bunch of uneducated... yeah..
Well I think the Leonard Cohen version is lovely, the Jeff Buckley version is rubbish ... makes me one of them
you cant rightfully talk/sing about Samson getting his hair cut off and it NOT be depressing.. it isnt a fun happy occasion.. it talks about misery.. which i just find so funny/annoying that Alex has managed to take ALL that emotion away.. IMO..
If people cared that much about the lyrics then they'd be reading the Bible and visiting the scriptures that talk about Samson's hair being cut off.
It's a song ... Leonard Cohen wrote a song.
Jeff Buckley did a cover version, I wonder if he delved and really felt the lyrics or did he just fancy being trendy and covering a song by Leonard .....