That sounds great KB, and it certainly puts my drinking/housework/gardening plans to shame! It all feels a bit dull in comparison to your plans!

I must admit, the thought of pork & crackling did make my mouth water though...I'm glad I won't have that to resist this weekend. I bet you'll have a great time though, especially if the weather's OK
Today's been a bit different at work really! Along with my boss and another of the managers, I was interviewing candidates to replace my colleague who left the other week. I've never done interviewing before, but I absolutely loved it. What an eye opener!! The things that some people come out with are absolutely astounding!
We asked one of them what she understood about the job she'd applied for and she said "Well, errr, nothing really. I wasn't really clear about it so I thought I'd ask you today" WTF!!! FAIL!
So this is the food diary for today (not bad at all)
Birds Eye healthy options chilli & wedges, with a tiny bit of grated cheese
Kiwi fruit
Tesco light choices lasagne, jacket potato with a bit of Lurpack Light
WW toffee ice cream
I don't know why, but I feel strangely flat and a bit weepy tonight

Nothing has happened, and I've had a good day on the whole, but I started feeling a bit down when I got home from work, and I haven't snapped out of it yet.
Been thinking about R quite a bit too, which probably hasn't helped. He still hasn't been in touch, so it's looking like the whole thing has fizzled out before it even started

I'd like to think that he wasn't spinning me a line, because a lot of the things he did/said helped a lot to boost my confidence, but I suppose I have to be realistic!
Anyway, enough moaning. I'm gonna go to bed with my book, and hope that I wake up in a better mood!
Night night x