Thank you!
I'm feeling pretty rubbish today to be honest...I have an horrendous headache that started a couple of days ago and just won't go away

I have a feeling it might be sinus related, since it feels like I have pressure in my head that gets worse if I bend forwards, stand up, cough or blow my nose. It was so bad that I had to come home from work today, but I couldn't ring the doctors as it's half day closing here on a Thursday.
I found some extra-strong prescription-only painkillers earlier that are still in date, so I took one of those about an hour ago, and it seems to have taken the edge of it, but I get a feeling that I'll be off to the doctors tomorrow

Sorry to moan, but I'm just sick of being ill at the moment. I'm never normally a sickly person, I hardly every get colds or tummy bugs, but for the past month (since I met R!) I've just been really under the weather. Nothing so bad that I have to stay in bed, but it's been one long run of coughs, sore throats, headaches and earaches :cry: And now this headache!!!
So that's enough moaning...onto the food.
This was yesterday:
WW spicy bean soup with 1 slice chunky rye bread
2 jacket potatoes with extra light tuna mayo
Crust of loaf with a scaping of Lurpack Light
And I went out for a quiet drink with my friend (bad move really, because the headache just got worse when I drank) but I had a glass of red wine, 2 Leffe beers, and about 3 vodka, lime and sodas.
Today's been OK so far:
WW leek & potato soup with chunky rye bread
Dorset Cereal bar
1 slice rye bread, toasted with Lurpack Light
Not sure what I'll have tonight because I really don't feel like getting up off the sofa, but I expect it'll probably be something like lasagne with a potato. Can't be bothered to do veg!
Hope everyone's having a good week x