Alex!! You're a whole other woman in those pics, look how far you've come it's incredible. Sounds like a cliché but you have a lovely face and FABULOUS hair, I'm very jealous of that. You have to keep up this good work, you're an inspiration, really well done. One of these days I'll be brave enough for a pic or 2...
Thank you so much for the lovely compliment KB, it made me a bit teary! (in a good way)...I really do feel like a different person these days. Everything just felt like so much of an effort back then, and it was becoming like that again before I re-started my journey back in January.
The more weight I lose, the more comfortable I feel in my own skin - I feel that my body is starting to do what I need it to do, without protesting over every little move.
I know I've still got a way to go, but I'm definitely heading back into my comfort zone - which may be a bad thing, as I'm definitely less motivated than I was in the beginning
Wow Alex such a change
Thank you PK

You've done so well too though - there's 5 stone difference between my 'before' and 'now' pictures, so I bet you look just as different
Wow alex the difference is amazing hun! Im so proud of you!
You have come soo far you can totally do this!
Sending lots of love
Aww thanks Kae...I really hope I can do it this time, and keep it off for good! It's so hard for me to get my head around the fact that back in January I was only 2 stone away from getting back to the way I looked on those pictures. I think I must've been in complete denial
Hope you're OK too - lots of love xxx
Well, back to the fat-fighting! It's weigh-in day today, and I've lost a pound - hardly earth-shattering news but I'm really pleased with that as I ate out three times this week and drank like a fish on Friday
Hope everybody is well, and thanks again for your lovely comments xxxx