Alex's Diary - No big goals, just taking one day at a time!

Thanks everybody :grouphugg: I know I've still got a long way to go, but it does feel good to be half way there - finally! And thanks for all your support and encoragement, it does mean a lot to me :heartpump:

I'm going to the V festival next weekend so I need to build up a bit of a buffer before I go, because it'll be lager, burgers, and bacon butties all the way :eek:

Just realised that I forgot to post my food diary yesterday. Here it is:

B - Porridge/raisins/museli
L - Beans on toast
S - Alpen Light bar, a 2 inch peice of rock (someone in the office went to Blackpool last week)
S - Mini twister ice lolly
D - Sainsbury's low fat spaghetti bolognese, extra peppers, musrooms and leeks.
S - Handful of grapes
Have a great time at V! I loveeeee festivals!!! I've never been to V, but I used to go to Leeds every year and for the last 2 have been to Glastonbury. xx
well done Alex , thats a fantastic achievement , its all down hill now ( in the right way lol )
Thank you :) I hope it is all downhill from here, but I expect there'll be a few ups and downs on the way...I don't like to make things easy for myself :eek:

Just a quick post, as I'm off work today blitzing the house. Just had lunch so thought I would post yesterday's food diary while I'm having a break:

B - Porridge/museli/raisins
S - Velvet Crunch sweet thai chilli crisps
L - WW tomato soup, 2 slices of bread
S - 4-5 inch piece of rock (the thin kind)
S - Alpen light bar
D - 3 Dalepak vegetable fingers, jacket potato (with a little bit of Flora Buttery - shhhhh don't tell anyone!), side salad, blob of low fat coleslaw, beetroot
S - WW toffee honeycomb sundae

Not a bad day really - my potato was a bit bigger than usual and I didn't weigh it, so don't know the calorie value (being lazy). I also wouldn't normally have coleslaw and butter in the same meal, as neither are within the Xenical rules, but I was in the mood for throwing caution to the wind!! (no side efffects yet)
Really? What happened in the dream?

I'm having the best weekend I've had in a long time actually. Good company, good food, good music....not so good on the dieting front though.
Ah well, life's for living as they say, and I wouldn't change a thing about this weekend so far (and no, there's no man involved before you ask :D)

Hope you're all well xx
Hope you enjoy the V Festival Alex :D Hopefully it won't rain!!
Really? What happened in the dream?
Can't really remember now but I was visiting you and you lived in a place that was like Halls or a nurses home where you had a room but there were lots of other people living along the same corridor. You had a really nice pair of grey trousers :confused: Oh and you weren't overweight at all.:D
Glad you're having a good weekend, long may it continue.

KB x
Dreams are funny aren't they?! How I wish I wasn't overweight at all! (I wouldn't mind a nice pair of grey trousers either)
I had a dream about Katie last night...she was being interviewed on TV and she had a scottish accent! :D
haaaaaaaaaaaa! (tried to think off a scottish phrase and failed miserably! hehehe)

What ya like u set of nut cases!

Im baaack! Ive missed my mini friends!

Sooo jealous of V! R u roughing it up?

Im baaack! Ive missed my mini friends!
Welcome back's really good to have you back - we've missed you too :)

Sooo jealous of V! R u roughing it up?

I am! I've been every year since 2001 except for last's always a brilliant weekend, I can't wait!
I just hope the weather's gonna be alright - it's looking a bit dodgy on the forecast :eek:

Well, it's weigh in day today, and I'm pleased to report a 0.25lb loss, so basically a STS. It's a miracle considering what I ate and drank at the weekend - I basically pretended I wasn't dieting at all, and just had what I wanted.
On Sunday morning, I weighed myself and saw a 4lb gain, so I'm well pleased that I've managed to pull it back!

I think next week might be a different story after V though!

Hope you're all well xx
I hope you have am amazing time at V Alex! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you for the weather. :) xxx
It was amazing thanks! I had such a good time :D Met some lovely people, saw some brilliant bands, drank LOTS of lager, and ate LOADS of junk food. I daren't even think about getting on the scales yet - I'm fearing the worst :(
We started to pack up at about 6.30 this morning, left the car park at 7.20 and were home for 9! That's pretty good going, considering that sometimes it's taken us 4 hours to get off the car park!
I am SO SO tired now though....I've just had a lovely hot bath, but now I'm sitting here with soaking wet hair because I haven't even got the energy to lift the hairdryer :) I also need to go to the shop for some milk but I think that might be one mission too far!
Anyone fancy bringing me a loaf and a pint of semi-skimmed?
Good to have you back! Loaf and milk on the way as we speak ;) Glad you've had a good weekend, we'll hear what the scales have to say about it on Wednesday!
I've had a totally off-track weekend too, some things never change. Catch up soon,

KB x
Thanks KB - the scales weren't kind to me I'm afraid :( I've gained 2.25lbs :cry:
Ah well, I suppose it could've been worse as I've been completely off-track since last Thursday. You know what I'm like, I can easily put 6lbs on in a few days.
Now I just need to get my arse into gear and get things shifting again. I've been messing about for most of July and August, and as a result, I've hardly lost anything.

So I'm back on track (again) today, and hoping I can get rid of that gain by next week!

A x
good luck getting back on track.. im so confused at the moment as to what is best for me...
but im sticking with it.....
aww alex im sad that you're not 1/2 way n yr ticker anymore - i kept looking at it feeling all hopeful for when mine is halfway lol!! i hate how much easier it is to gain than lose - i can easily gain 5 lbs in a week but lose it??? hell no!!

well good on u getting back on track - im right there too lol!

Yeah it's unfair that it's so much easier to gain :O