Tuesday 4th February
Green Day
- 2 x special K chewy delight bars
(2 HeB)
- tomato pasta 'n' sauce
- 2 x cheese strings
- mars bar
(11.5 syns)
- ?
HeA: 2 x cheesestrings
HeB: 2 x special K chewy delights
Syns: 11.5/15
I finally feel truly ready to 'go back to normal' in regards to posting on here and getting on with things etc. Although I've been on plan while I've not been posting on here (apart from the three days I've mentioned) I'm starting to feel a bit lost as I can't stay to group until april because of uni as I've mentioned. I think to move on properly I'll just give you guys some info of what went on but not too much obvs because it's not all mine to tell.
Basically, everything went wrong all together. My best friend was sexually assaulted so naturally I dropped everything to be there for her while she was dealing with what happened/speaking to police and all of that horrible situation. Then, a few days later my brother & his boyfriend had a particularly nasty breakup which has caused a lot of issues in terms of my brothers housing situation (he can't live with me due to needing to get to work etc.) and as you all know it's really difficult to get anywhere living on minimum wage like he does. To then top that off he had quite a nasty fall and ended up fracturing/dislocating his shoulder which meant he had even less money/more of a **** situation to deal with due to having to have time off of work (he's a waiter). Through all of that I've not been very well for quite a while now but before I used to put it down to my lifestyle of junk food & no exercise etc. etc. but having now been doing quite well in terms of eating/exercise and being 100% sober for some months and not smoking for a long time as well it kind of showed me that there was obviously something wrong. I went to the drs & got diagnosed with IBS (as you know) and my dr is also worried about my thyroid and anxiety etc. so I had my blood tests yesterday & fingers crossed for how that'll turn out.
However, I am actually extremely proud of how I've dealt with it all as those of you that are 'mothering' types of people too know it gets hard sometimes being there for everyone. Previously, I would of found comfort in food/bad life choices etc. but this time I didn't and I still managed to lose weight and keep up with my exercise through it which is a really big thing for me (I sound so big headed haha). ANDDDD to top it off I have the results back from my exams/assessments from last semester (autumn 2013) & I passed them all with 2:1 and in one module I even got a first which I'm SUPER pleased about.
So, yeah, I just wanted to update you and thank you guys 'cause all of your support etc. is really helpful especially because I can't get to group right now and hopefully things will get back to normal now & I can give SW 100%
