Thanks Jacci
After an ID and UD together only a small +0.4, looking good for a nice drop tomorrow. Definitely back in the groove now especially since I've been eating more on DD's as well as UD's and that ID gives me extra cals too.
I decided to use the basic calculation of 500/2000, which is 25% rather than the 20% recommended. It seems to suit me better. I'm also starting to see this as less of a diet and more of a long term change to the way I eat and I dont mind if the weight losses are slow as long as there is always that downward trend.
Something curious has been happening as in I choose to eat much less, portion sizes are shrinking also I dont like the sugary or fatty foods so much. Didnt stop me eating a crunchie yesterday tho lol. I did get chips from the chippy but I ate a handful and binned the rest, too greasy and I didnt even really like the taste of them anymore. As for the crunchie I ate a bite out of it in the morning then left it.(HUH?) I did eat the rest of it in the evening. All this is very odd behaviour for a fat person who likes to stuff her face, overeating, after all thats how I got to be this weight.
I no longer like to eat vast amounts of food, small is definitely better.
Me and my daughter could be on supersize vs superskinny. For a laugh once we checked it out online. My BMI is in the red for obese, my daughters is in the red for underweight, shes very skinny, takes after her dad. She is the same height as me, she weighs around 90-95lbs and I'm 200lb.
She eats plenty tho, no eating disorder or anything like that, she and her brother have their fathers 'eat anything you like you will not put on an ounce' gene.
I've watched what my daughter eats and she eats anything but it is always a small portion. I eat like 3x if not more the amount she does, of whatever meal it is we eat.
Even breakfast, I'll have a bowl of 2 weetabix, she'll have one of those small individual cereal boxes from a variety pack. Have you seen how much is in one of those things?! Tiny amount.
If its toast its one small slice, me? it'll be two large thick slices with plenty of butter.
My daughter eats lots of garbage, sweets, choc, crisps, pot noodle (lol), alcohol, pop, juice, but she also eats lots of fruit, veg, salad etc.
Which equates to the same kinds of things I eat but the difference is the amounts. A bar of choc lasts her something like 3 days! lasts me 3 minutes and then I could eat more than one.
And this brings me to the point of all this, that somehow my view of what constitutes a portion is severely skewed. I dont think it is
what I am eating but
how much I am eating.
JUDDD makes this all stand out as my appetite is decreasing so what I'm eating is definitely shrinking!
Monthly weight loss
In brackets the loss/gain from 1[SUP]st[/SUP] Nov start weight
01 nov -
203.6 - DD
02 nov - 201.2 - UD (-2.4)
03 nov - 201.6 - DD (-2.0)
04 nov - 200.0 - UD (-3.6)
05 nov - 202.2 - DD (-1.4)
06 nov - 200.6 - UD (-3.0)
07 nov - 202.2 - DD (-1.4)
08 nov - 201.0 - UD (-2.6)
09 nov - 200.8 - DD (-2.8)
10 nov - 199.6 - UD (-4.0)
11 nov - 200.0 - DD (-3.6)
12 nov - 199.4 -
UD (-4.2 lowest)
13 nov - 201.2 -
UD (-2.4)
14 nov - 201.6 -
UD (-2.0)
15 nov - 203.6 - DD (-0.0)
16 nov - 202.2 - UD (-1.4)
17 nov - 201.2 - UD (-2.4)
18 nov - 202.2 - DD (-1.4)
19 nov - 200.2 - ID (-3.4)
20 nov - 200.0 - UD (3.6)
21 nov - 200.4 - DD (-3.2)
22 nov -
23 nov -
24 nov -