Thanks Lara and Angel, after a rubbish day yesterday that's what I needed to hear.
yesterday wasn't great, I'm still ill and spent most of the day feeling sorry for myself. My husband felt sorry for me too and in the morning bought me pastries and in the evening bought me Hotel Chocolat chocolate. So one bad meal turned into a bad day and a pity party for myself. As well as feeling ill my little girl wasn't too good with teething and cried a lot (she's usually so happy), both kids drive me mad between 4pm and 7pm, the little one didn't go to sleep until after 8 ish and my husband was late home - but he was getting my birthday present sorted so that's ok.
Anyway I've had a word with myself and put a hit of make up on, I'm ignoring the carb cravings and I'm off out with my mum in an hour, which will mean lots of walking. Still just over 3 weeks until my holiday, about 23 days I reckon, so I can still have a decent 21 days on plan and hopefully lose a stone before hols. I'm just going to try and ignore the nice chocolate sat in the fridge!
Off to to have my shake. Have a great day all. X