Aww thank you lovely ladies, it's great having support on here.
I've slipped into old habits recently I guess, I'm uncomfortable in my clothes again and in my skin too I guess. That's lead to other things like not making an effort hair and make up wise, staying in more, sitting aimlessly in front of the TV in the evenings, stuff like that. I think it's time to make some changes.
I've got to nip to the shops later, so there's a bit of exercise and sunshine, I'm going to have a bath and a pamper tonight I think and I'm also going to have a look at my camera book in hope I can pick up some tips for properly using my camera on holiday.
Tommorow my son is swimming in the morning, and then I've got the kids on my own all day again! The kids have been difficult recently which hasn't helped, my son plays up awfully at times and my daughter hasn't been herself recently, she's been crying a lot and quite naughty, teething or a bug I think.
iam going to try and forget what I've already done and start fresh. I have a few aims: for my clothes to be comfortable, to fit in some of the smaller stuff I have for my hols and generally to lose what I can and feel better about myself before I go away.
I was looking at old pictures the other night and I realised generally in the last 10 years I've been between 13 stone and at my heaviest 17st 4lb. A lot of my of holiday pictures I'm between 13-15 stone and still looking happy and confident in a bikini. It's not just about weight loss it's also about getting some body confidence back.
Time to get thinking when I get back from my hold, I want to go back to the gym again, or start some kind of exercise. And I want a longer term plan of how I'm going to make this work.
Sorry for my ramblings! Right I'm off to have my breakfast, a chocolate shake with lots of ice and a straw, I can pretend it's a nice iced Starbucks drink
have a a great day.