Oh I've only gone and fallen off the wagon again! We took my little boy to Delamere forest today to do the Gruffalo trail, I'd hope we'd go early, it'd be a couple of hours, they go somewhere for lunch and I had a bar with me. The reality, got there at 11am, took us over 2 hours to do the trail and ended up feeding my little girl half way around and giving my little boy snacks. I had my bar half way around too. I'd also managed to easily carry my daughter in her baby Bjorn carrier which felt like an achievement for me but 2 hours of walking with about 20lb extra mad me hungry. Then we went to get food but ended up getting lost so it was 3ish and we ended up in Eds Diner again and I ended up eating. Only had some chicken dippers and a milkshake and felt full so my appetite has definitely decreased.
I don't want to beat myself up about it, I shouldn't have done it but I needed to at the time and made the best choice I could, I've put off going out as much doing this because I know it's difficult but I guess life has got to carry on as well while I'm doing this.
i weighed in at 15st 1.5lb this morning and i doubt I'll see that again tommorow morning when it's official weigh in day!
I don't want to beat myself up about it, I shouldn't have done it but I needed to at the time and made the best choice I could, I've put off going out as much doing this because I know it's difficult but I guess life has got to carry on as well while I'm doing this.
i weighed in at 15st 1.5lb this morning and i doubt I'll see that again tommorow morning when it's official weigh in day!