It's happened! I suspected it would soon but sometimes thought it might not happen.
I've gone from feeling slim to feeling fat. Last week when I wore my new dress to work I felt amazing. Every time I caught a glimpse of myself I was surprised at how slim I looked and I was thrilled.
This week, same dress, same weight and I look and feel fat. I know it's just in my head but it's real to me all the same. The novelty of being slimmer than before has worn off and now all I can see is that I am not as slim as I would like to be.
I know that it's just that I'm getting used to my new body now. It's a bit like when I bought my lovely red KitchenAid blender a few years ago. The first few days I couldn't go into the kitchen wihtout stroking it
and when I used it I would clean it so well it would sparkle. Then I got used to it and even though I still love it - it's not getting stroked anymore and it's covered in flour.
Reeeeally bad analogy - but hopefully you'll get my drift
Anyway - I had an OK weekend. We bought cycles so tried them on Sunday. It was one of those days that sound good on paper. OK weather, new bikes, went to local forest with children and tried them out.
The reality was a bit different. DH spent ages trying to fit all bikes into the car as he hadn't bought a bike rack. After a lot of swearing we finally got in. Got to lovely forest and spent ages putting the bikes back together and getting the children kitted out etc. Managed all of 2 minutes cycling before son fell off bike. Lots of tears and tantrums. My shoes covered in dog cr*p. Daughter scared of the woods and though the Gruffalo would jump out at her and so refused to move and cried blue murder. At this point we were about 20 minutes from the car at the bottom of a hill. The only way back was up. Both children refused to cycle. DH and I snapped at each other whilst pushing 2 bikes each up said hill. Daughter decided to cycle last few metres to the car. Fell off and hit her face on the handlebar - big bruise. Finally got to car and spent ages taking bikes apart to try and fit them back in. Everything was muddy and smelly. Children begged us to never take them bike riding again. Son tried to put his bike in the green wheelie bin outside our house when we got back. Came home and demolished half a bottle of wine...
We're going again next weekend
Bess - Sweden is lovely and yes the maternity / paternity care is brilliant. So are hospitals and other public services. Then again so it should be considering the taxes people are paying. I think it's similar to Norway in that sense. I moved over to the UK when I was 20 as I fell in love with the UK at age 14 on holiday. I thought the UK was so romantic with its tiny houses, rubbish plumbing and general rustic charm. I still love this country but am less enamoured with the lack of space and constant problems with the central heating!
Oh and yes, I'm calorie counting now. I'm on 1500 and don't plan to use packs at all although keep some for when it's really convenient. My CDC told me that she was maintaining by having a shake for breakfast and lunch every day. It really depressed me because I can't imagine to do that, so I'm determined to manage to maintain without the help of CD products. Each to their own I guess.
Time to put the monkey's to bed.