Euuurgh! I've come down with the lurgy and it's not much fun. I caught it of H on Tuesday afternoon and was using him as a hot water bottle whilst shivering away myself LOL. Could barely get out of bed yesterday (but as a Mum didn't have much choice as DH decided he was ill too ) and went into work this morning only to be ordered back home after sitting in a customer meeting looking like I was going to pass out.
My appetite has gone completely and yesterday I only managed to eat a slice of toast all day. Started to feel like I needed to eat tonight so had some fish and chips. I feel a bit better so I guess my body really needed some energy. F&C probably wasn't the best choice but nevermind...
I'm going to work from home tomorrow, but dread it if DH is staying at home. Don't get me wrong, I love him dearly, but he is a pathetic patient and I'm no nurse, especially not when I'm ill too. Yet somehow he always thinks that he's much worse off and constantly ask me to get him stuff in this whiney voice. Nearly poured a mug of lemsip over him earlier, but thought better of it. I didn't want to have to take care of 2nd degree burns on top of everything else
Right I'm going to crawl back into bed now - will catch up on diaries tomorrow! Night Night...
My appetite has gone completely and yesterday I only managed to eat a slice of toast all day. Started to feel like I needed to eat tonight so had some fish and chips. I feel a bit better so I guess my body really needed some energy. F&C probably wasn't the best choice but nevermind...
I'm going to work from home tomorrow, but dread it if DH is staying at home. Don't get me wrong, I love him dearly, but he is a pathetic patient and I'm no nurse, especially not when I'm ill too. Yet somehow he always thinks that he's much worse off and constantly ask me to get him stuff in this whiney voice. Nearly poured a mug of lemsip over him earlier, but thought better of it. I didn't want to have to take care of 2nd degree burns on top of everything else
Right I'm going to crawl back into bed now - will catch up on diaries tomorrow! Night Night...