Alli takes the scenic route to maintenance

Alli, just calling in with a hug and a wave... have been thinking of you and hope you're OK.

Hi Alli, hope you are ok, we miss you, come back. xx
Stop hiding hun, we will send out a search party... you know we will...

Ok, I'm ready...... Torch, map, dark clothing, sniffer dog, big boots, chocolate for leg strengtheners! (no, I'll leave that behind!)
Down south somewhere....Hmm, where does she live? :flirt2:
Oh girls - you are lovely! I'm so sorry I haven't been around lately. I've been so busy with work and Xmas stuff and every time I meant to sit down to log on something else has distracted me. I have missed you lot though and things should calm down after next week (I'm travelling all over England next week so won't be round much) and I intend to spend plenty of time here in the run up to Christmas.

Hope you're all well - My parents in law are coming over for dinner shortly (early so they can see the children) but I will check in later tonight and catch up on your diaries.

I'm doing well - I went to get weighed yesterday morning and had lost 2lbs since the last time 4 weeks ago. Then went home and celebrated with a massive binge:eek::mad:. I seem to do that every time I go and see my CDC - it's a good thing it's only once every 4 weeks now. Still, I'm fine again today and eating well but not too well iykwim...

Right - 5 mins to catch up on other diaries before cooking..
Ah ha, scared you didn't we with all that talk of coming to root you out?:cool:....and we would have done you know......Katy has secret skills that only a few of us know about......:flirt2:. And I'm in the know!!!! Tee Hee!!!

Glad you are ok though Sweetie. We were a bit worried you know. Travelling all over England huh? Anywhere near Shropshire/Staffordshire? xx
Lol Bess... Alli, Bess thinks I am a spy!

So no more of the vanishing acts, OK, or Starsky & Hutch will be after you... good to see you back hun and glad it's just busyness and nothing else that has kept you off the boards. Big hugs and hang on in there for one more week, look forward to catching up after that...

Grrrr just lost a long post!

I did consider staying away just to see what the search party would look like LOL. I wonder who's Starsky and who's Hutch:D:D

My parents in law just left - they only overstayed their welcome by about 2 hours. Not bad for them really...

We had macaroni cheese and sausages - not exactly food for entertaining but very nice nevertheless. Probably a squillion calories in the mac & cheese - I didn't count them. Still I've eaten very little today so hopefully it evens out.

OMG the tree putting up task caused major sqaubbling in the Alli household! Trying to get the Christmas decs out of the loft was a challenge and DH decided start clearing out the loft while he was in there (just before his parents were coming). Now there's a mountain of stuff on top of our bed that no doubt I will have to clear before we can go to bed tonight...the loft is looking lovely and clean (because its content is ON THE BED) and DH is all proud of his efforts and presumably assumes that the cleaning fairy will magically clear up the mess his made of the rest of the house in order to tidy this one space that no one ever sees...

If it wasn't kind of funny I'd sit and cry. Still - at least he did manage to get the decorations out so I've put some up and the children are so excited. I'm sitting here now sipping a Baileys watching all my lovely fairy lights and twinkly stuff that I've put up and I feel quite happy.
Baileys? I'll be round shortly...

Starsky xxxx
Oooh, Baileys...... the only time i ever have that is xmas, just don't drink much anymore, boring old toad that i am. So bring on xmas, fairy lights, crap tv and baileys and ice. I'm drooling thinking about it, oh, and that cheesecake recipe with baileys in that was lurking a while back.
lol at your OH! Although i seriously understand how unfunny that can be, my OH has been off work sick for a while, (although he's quite capable of doing stuff, which he manages to forget sometimes) He is the king of irrelevent jobs, drives me absolutely potty. I have loads of stuff in the house that i want to do, that never get round to. Here he is, loads of time at home, so i'm thinking it will help me out.....not! All of a sudden, hes putting pictures up, cleaning leaves, tidying wiring behind tv, cleaning out shed. All jobs that i am very happy are done, but they have waited for 2 yrs, why, oh why, is now, 3wks to xmas, the time to do it, when it leaves me no better off at all. I could almost turn this into some sort of reverse psychology experiment. Almost guaranteed if i ask him to do something, he finds another irrelevent job to!
Ok, sorry Alli for touched a nerve!
Anyways, good to hear from you....... although i am thinking the Starsky and Hutch routine would have raised a few chuckles! Hope the next week not too hectic for you. Take care hun xx
Good Morning - Off to York in a few minutes. It's 4 hours each way (with some waiting time in London) and my meeting will probably last no more than a couple of hours. So 8 hours travel - 2 hour's work. Doesn't make sense really but it has to be done unfortunately. Regardless of what my boss says it is impossible to maintain good working relationships through phone calls and email. Still, fortunately I can work on the train so shouldn't be too bad.

Am being good today and bringing sandwiches so that I don't get tempted by Upper Crust at the station - I love their baguettes but they are so high in calories. Sigh!

Have a lovely day!
Hey Alli, Hope your journey goes well and the meeting is productive! Well done on planning food in advance too, those station cafes too tempting!
Took a cd bar with me for my last train journey and just bought coffee on train, and all was fine.
I love the Christmas decs putting up rigamarole in our house, my kids get so excited too and hubby does his fake scrooge inmpression at the amount of shiny tat i spread around the room, the kids find it hilarious...but its a tradition now! ooooh Bailey's mmm not bought mine yet, usually crack it open on Christmas day and have my first in my morning coffee...lovely!
Have a fabby week hun!

Have a good day Alli... I do a lot of train travel and always love the outward journey, but on the way back I lose patience & just want to be home... feel like chucking myself in the nearest ditch! Hope your trains are on time, uncrowded and generally lovely. And well done indeed for avoiding upper crust... they do look so tempting, but I remember when they first came out thinking one of those would feed a family for a week... funny how quickly we got used to them being the norm! Anyway, take care on your travels hun.

Lol Bess... Alli, Bess thinks I am a spy!


Well, now you've blown it, it can't be true. Ah, but's probably a double bluff to put us off the scent.

Hope all your travelling is fairly peaceful Alli. Enjoy the twinklies and the Bailey's!!

Hutch xxx

PS. I met him once - the real Hutch I mean, he drank some of my elderflower cordial and asked for the was just after he'd been in trouble for beating his wife....horrible man, I should have put arsenic in it! x
The real Hutch? You mean it's not you?!!!

Seriously though, David Soul? I didn't know that about him! Eek. What a weird situation... c'mon Bess, 'fess up, which other stars have you supped elderflower cordial with?

Awww well, no one else really......umm ...the Duke of Gloucester? Not drinking elderflower cordial though.....It was years ago 1982/3 I think when I worked at a museum and they came to visit. The D of G was probably opening something. We used to have the BBC and ITV people round all the time. The BBC would turn up to do a small item with several pantechnicans (sp?) for wardrobe, canteen, props and so on and ITV would turn up in...... a single estate car. So now you know where your license fee goes!

And yes, just after D S had been, all the papers were full of the wife beating story, and of course we all believe all we read in the papers. I think it was true though on this occasion, horrible man.

Mind you, we haven't had a television for about 24 years, so I probably wouldn't recognise anyone famous if I tripped over them! There was an actor in the pub recently when we went for a walk in the Cotswolds, but I can't remember his name, think he plays bad cops in something.

How'd the trip go Alli? Home yet?
LOL Bess - yes home and I've been to Manchester today. Derby tomorrow then a day of rest in London on Thursday and Birmingham on Friday. Oh joy - can't wait to have 2 weeks off for Xmas.

24 years without a TV? I am embarrassed to admit to feeling slightly panicky at the thought of not owning a TV. :eek::eek::eek: It's a feeling similar to the thought of not having a well stocked fridge/larder!

Have been eating loads these past couple of days travelling. I doubt it will be any better tomorrow but will not bother bringing sandwiches as at least then I'll only eat lunch once!!

Am going to bed now as I need to be up early - Night night!
Hugs Alli, wishing you stamina for the rest of your week... phew!

David Soul... I never saw the attraction... remember his super-cheesy pop release, 'Don't give up on us baby, we're still worth one more try, I know we put a last one by.... etc'. I was a shy teen dating a revolting older boy & every time I tried to finish with him he'd quote that stupid song at me. Ugh. He didn't know, but that sealed his fate! Quite sinister when you know about the domestic abuse, though.

I sometimes think I wouldn't miss TV... OH is addicted, kids can be at times, but I'd happily chuck it out of the window it as long as I could watch DVDs sometimes on something.

Well the thing about the TV is that OH was an addicted TV watcher as a a child and we didn't have one until I was about 12. So that's why I think I am an avid reader. Anyway, it turned him into a reformed TV addict and after a summer where we hadn't renewed the license because we were out in the garden most evenings we didn't bother in the autumn and so on.....
Then video's came along and we bought a video player, not a recorder, had the old TV altered so it couldn't receive a signal and that was it. Now we watch a few things on the internet occasionally too and have a dvd player. Finally after years and years of being bothered by the license people they now leave us alone. I'm not evangelical about not having a TV, don't mind one way or the other. OH still is and to my surprise the children have never wanted one. In fact they positively didn't/don't want one which does surprise me. The married daughter with her own house doesn't have one either!
Couldn't do without Radio 4 though! Hooked on that!!

Good luck with all that travelling Alli, you'll need the break to get over it.! xx
Hi all,

Back in the office today which is nice! Sneaking a quick peek at the board inbetween meetings hoping that no one will notice (internet use is frowned on during working hours).

Food wise, I'm not doing too well - I did some Xmas baking last night (a 2nd batch of mince pies as we'd polished off the first one and some biscottis) and ended up sampling more than I needed. Today started with good intention but ended up with a bacon roll at 8.30 this morning and it's gone down hill from there. My aim from now until Christmas will be damage limitation rather than loss as I simply can't get motivated to track my food so will focus on not putting on the weight instead. Even that will be a major challenge the way I'm feeling at the moment.