Oooh, Baileys...... the only time i ever have that is xmas, just don't drink much anymore, boring old toad that i am. So bring on xmas, fairy lights, crap tv and baileys and ice. I'm drooling thinking about it, oh, and that cheesecake recipe with baileys in that was lurking a while back.
lol at your OH! Although i seriously understand how unfunny that can be, my OH has been off work sick for a while, (although he's quite capable of doing stuff, which he manages to forget sometimes) He is the king of irrelevent jobs, drives me absolutely potty. I have loads of stuff in the house that i want to do, that never get round to. Here he is, loads of time at home, so i'm thinking it will help me out.....not! All of a sudden, hes putting pictures up, cleaning leaves, tidying wiring behind tv, cleaning out shed. All jobs that i am very happy are done, but they have waited for 2 yrs, why, oh why, is now, 3wks to xmas, the time to do it, when it leaves me no better off at all. I could almost turn this into some sort of reverse psychology experiment. Almost guaranteed if i ask him to do something, he finds another irrelevent job to!
Ok, sorry Alli for touched a nerve!
Anyways, good to hear from you....... although i am thinking the Starsky and Hutch routine would have raised a few chuckles! Hope the next week not too hectic for you. Take care hun xx