Ally's Diary - take two

Afternoon :p however much i try i cant sleep in late anymore (unless I'm ill!)

I just discovered smokey bacon pombears :drool:
5 syns for multipack not sure if singles are same or 6 syns.
Work again, still feeling dodgy and weigh in tomorrow, not sure how i'm going to be effected weight wise this week with 1 days of hardly eating/junk, 1 day of junk and the rest mostly on plan but over syns a few days.

Breakfast: weetabix and banana with honey, ww yog
Lunch: prawn cakes and salad, 2x plums, banana
Tea: Hawaiian chicken and veg

Hea: milk
Heb: weetabix

Syns: honey 1, pineapple juice 2, jaffa cake 2.5, 2x werther 2, umm 12 (i think) chocolate party rings 18, klix hot choc 3.5, cookie nut choc 5
Total Syns: 34
Free snacks: prepacked fruit, pear
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Sandwich lady is trying to tempt me with cake...almond, triple chocolate truffle, carrot, chocolate :drool:
I resisted the cake. However half a pack of fox's party rings just jumped down my throat. Oops. Maybe I should have had the cake lol :p
I can resist cake but with difficulty, but biscuits in my drawer i can't, however they are all gone now haha
I have another mini goal I want to get to 183lb so 13st 1lb) by 24th march, from what i remember (going by my doctors scales) I need to get to 183lb to get into overweight BMI which means she'll try me on a different pill to help my pcos (hopefully one that doesnt turn me into a manic depressive like the other ones). 5lb in 4 weigh in's, could be pushing it for me, though i know its possible looking at my last 8 weeks of consecutive losses even if a few have been very small, but i can give it a shot.
And I just remembered I have my scan on saturday too, boooo *must remember to do legs on thursday since i am at a gig friday night and my appointment is 8.30 next morning -_-*
Got a choccy craving going on so had a hot choccy outta the vending machine...shame it tastes more like dish water than hot chocolate.
Bodies are weird things aren't they. Lost 1.5lb

Breakfast: 2x alpen lights, ww yog, pear
Lunch: Tuna Sandwich, 2x plums, nectarine
Tea: Babybel burgers and salad

Hea: milk
Hea: babybels
Heb: alpen lights
Heb: bread

Syns: extra light mayo 0.5, 2x mint werther 2.5, 2x jaffa cake 5, quavers 4.5, 2x haribo jelly babies 2, crispy rolls 6.5, magic stars 3.5
Total Syns: 27
Free Snacks: prepacked fruit,banana
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can't believe I have now lost 16lb in 4 months when last year it took me 9 months to lose 15.5lb AND i've had 9 weeks of consecutive losses even if a few of those have only been 0.5lb. It's like some kind of miracle, apparantly 99% scrapping green days/pasta is the cure to my very stupidly slow weight loss, i'm now down to just sluggish weight loss :p
0.5lb is better than nothing, least its still a loss :)