Got a gig tonight but i'm sitting at this one so no mad jumping and dancing (save that for Green Day in 4 weeks). Got my food with me so no burgers or hotdogs from the bar thing outside, might be very naughty and get a cuppa tea off the motorway services to have with my sandwiches lol.
Breakfast: choc porridge, pear
Lunch: Ham salad, 2x plums, nectarine, french fries, banana
Tea: Egg sandwiches, fruit salad
Hea: milk
Heb: porridge
Heb: bread
Syns: caramel highlights 2, mayo 0.5, marg 1, werther 1, gum 0.5, french fries 5
Total Syns: 10
Free Snacks: prepacked fruit
Anyway, got my scan tomorrow, after waiting 8 weeks, hip doesn't even hurt anymore. Oh well go anyway check on my silly PCOS I suppose, even though it's gonna lead to the doctor trying me on a different pill since by the time I go i will more than likely be just in Overweight BMI range which was what she wanted to try me on a different pill (that hopefully won't send me psycho depressive). Don't particularly want to go back on the pill of any make or description but if i have to (since I haven't had a period again since i was last on the pill a year ago) i guess i'll have to deal with it.
And on a side note i'm going the zoo on monday