I'm back after 3 very much off plan days. I won't hide what I've had, most of it can't even be classfied as meals. So anyway...i'll write it like a diary be easier.
So Friday morning, had breakfast, porridge with options chocolate powder, packed up the car and by 11am me and 2 friends, me driving, are off down to london, eating fruit pastilles on the way. Stop at Watford services around 1ish cos we were all hungry had a bacon and egg sandwich on white bread and a kit kat, carried on down to london checked in the hotel, dumped our stuff and walked to find the emirates stadium. 20 min walk later we found it, some people already camping, and we said if it was nice we'd camp too, so as it was nice, we walked back to the hotel, another 20 mins, grabbed the old duvet and pillows we'd brought, went sainsburys local and bought "supplies" and went back to the emirates...another 20 min walk, my shoes had started rubbing me even though they were my comfiest pair, so got some plasters and stuck them on, set up camp outside the emirates, 22 hours before doors to the gig.
Anyway, by 7 we're bored and end up playing "catch the bottle", basically my friend throwing an empty bottle cos we didnt have a ball or anything and me catching it/running after it..... time ticks on, i eat a bag of chocolate eclairs, half a sausage roll, bag of mccoys crisps, a freddo, some jaffa cakes, chocolate raisins, go ahead bar, and some apricots....10pm we all settle down, security come round saying cos we're camping they'll give us wristbands in the morning to make sure we get in the "golden circle" which holds 2k people and is a pit at the front sectioned off from the rest of the 60k people.
The group camping in front were a little noisy, eating pizza and drinking while others are trying to sleep, police end up there at about 2am cos of reports of noise and threatened to move us but they didnt. After a lot of wind (nice draught up the duvet), a cold night on a concrete floor and 3 hours of sleep later its 5am, the suns up and everyones awake. So ate some breakfast bars at 6am, waited for security to give us our bands then 2 of the 3 of us walked back to the hotel to take bags and stuff back, and then back to the emirates again, so another 40 mins of walking, bought a cinnamon swirl and cheese twist from sainsburys for "brunch" since it was only 10am by that time. More waiting in the queue, my blisters are killing me so stuck blister plasters on (worst mistake ever, more on that later), more and more people arrive over the next few hours i mostly sit on my ass under the duvet in the queue, eating (from what i remember) chocolate raisins, 2x go ahead bars, jaffa cakes, strawberries, chocolate cookies and probably more stuff i dont remember.
4pm finally arrives the place is now packed with queuing people (there was 12 of us at this gate and about 50/60 queuing round the other gates night before), security finally open doors and we run in, we end up about 6 rows from the front of this place thats going to be crammed with 60k+ people, first support act, all time low, is on and i'm jumping on some of the songs, second act, kaiser Chiefs, i don't really jump around much, then at 8pm main band Green Day come on and everyone goes mad dancing and jumping around and its basically like that through the whole 2.5 hour show, it was absolutely incredible, i've seem them 3 times before but this time was the best, probably cos i was so near the front, loved every second of it. So basically i was never still, singing, shouting, taking photos, jumping, dancing...
Finally the shows over, half 10, and the usual 20 min walk took us an hour thanks to a human traffic jam heading to arsenal underground station which was in same direction we were going...got back eventually though, we were all shattered, after only 3 hours sleep night before and the high energy show...so ate half a lion bar and fell asleep. Didnt bother with the b+b breakfast just ate some breakfast biscuits. Got home about 1ish and headed to mcd's, chicken selects, fries and mcflurry. Walked to the station and back twice cos both my friends had different trains at different times, so that was an hour walking...tea was a nice healthy chicken salad...followed by strawberries. And Ice cream.
And yeah...the blisters, i now have 7 blisters over my feet, the blister plasters have rubbed the top of them all, had trouble getting them off they were stuck fast to the tops of the blisters and they are seriously sore, getting in the bath with them hurt more than having my foot tattooed and that hurt a lot!
So now we go back on plan. No idea what the damage will be on tuesday, and i don't really care, my weekend was too good for me to be bothered about the scales. If i gain i deserve it, and don't give two hoots for once, i spent the weekend with my two best friends seeing one of my fave bands from nearly as close as humanly possible thats all that matters, sometimes the weight loss has to be put second