Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Just hopping on to say I'm +1 on posted and another crazy day ... I think I piddled out a pound yesterday and through the night...

Sorry I've not been able to catch up - hopefully it will get easier by the weekend! Xxx :)
heres a lil something to cheer you up...

Fat cells are resilient, stubborn little creatures that do not want to give up their actual cell volume. Over a period of weeks, maybe months of "proper dieting", each of your fat cells may have actually lost a good percentage of the actual fat contained in those cells. But the fat cells themselves, stubborn little guys, replace that lost fat with water to retain their size. That is, instead of shrinking to match the reduced amount of fat in the cell, they stay the same size! Result - you weigh the same, look the same, maybe even gained some scale weight, even though you have actually lost some serious fat.

The good news is that this water replacement is temporary. It's a defensive measure to keep your body from changing too rapidly. It allows the fat cell to counter the rapid change in cell composition, allowing for a slow, gradual reduction in cell size. The problem is, most people are frustrated with their apparent lack of success, assume they have lost nothing, and stop dieting.
However, if you give those fat cells some time, and ignore the scale weight fluctuations, your real weight/shape will slowly begin to show. The moral of the story - be patient! Your body is changing even if the number on the scale isn't.

A priority of the human body is survival. Anything that threatens its survival results in the cascade of events to maintain the previous status quo. Water fluctuations are one way the body does this. Brain tells body to produce and release that vasopressin antidiuretic hormone....more water is retained, and no weight loss noticed. Fat loss is still occuring, because ketosis is firmly established and appetite supression is in effect...but water retention is hiding that continuing fat loss. The body is preventing dehydration with this mechanism, and that's a *good* thing.
From the perspective of the scale, it can be discouraging. Which is why the mantra: Water retention masks fat loss (repeated frequently to oneself ) is helpful. Water retention will mask ongoing fat-loss for as long as the body retains the water. We can combat this by drinking more water.
Hey beautiful, missed catching up with you, sounds like life is good barr the current weight stall.x
Hi Di. Hope you are keeping head above water. No one should be working that hard in this heat.

Saying that I'm off to do 2 nights of 12 hrs each myself so I'll catch you at the weekend.

Good luck and I hope you get everything done. xxx
Swollen ankles! Haven't had those for months - ever since I started shrinking so it's interesting to see what effect the heat has! Must continue to take the aquabans

Out for dinner tonight with DS and his OH... They are moving into a flat at the weekend so they wanted to take me out to thank me for letting them squat in my attic for the last 9 months.

Might be having some alcohol! Lol
Will feel strange to have space rather than it feel like a battery farm lol
Just home! Had lots of tapas - all legal - very yummy!

Lol@Susie... It depends - not sure I want to share my personal space yet xxx
Morning Di:)

Snap on the tapas last night - would have been legal except i was "forced" ;) to eat deep fried artichoke hearts! And drink rioja;)

Exciting you are going to get the house back to yourself - will you be home enough to enjoy it?:) Hope you have a good day - no more crazy workaholic ones please!
thought artichokes were legal??
teetiefunk said:
thought artichokes were legal??

They are! Not sure what they had been dipped in though - decided to ignore;)
Scales still stuck... But I'm not stressing ...

B - egg, spinach, mushroom, bacon, garlic, coconut oil, coffee, cream