Sweetheart how can you say you have no willpower when it is so obvious that you have it in bucketloads!
I started out on Atkins well before you and thanks to me falling off the wagon many times, you have streaked ahead in the loser stakes

As Lisa says, 98 POUNDS gone - and just keep reflecting on well you feel physically, compared to a year ago. it's not willpower that got you to where you are now, it's knowing the joy and happiness of ditching those huge pants with elastic waists, wearing lovely gorgeous colours again and being able to get around with so much less discomfort. I am so proud of you, everyone here is.
Of course you're right to write down your frustrations about the losses slowing down, despite all your discipline - but don't be overwhelmed by it. Just take a deep breath, finish your packing, go and have a fab time with the boys, who will treat you like royalty, and I bet you will stay pretty much to low carb.
It's a holiday, enjoy, relax and have FUN
That said, I will miss you like crazy. Love you heaps xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx