Hey gorgeous slinky losers!! I'm back but so so SO busy right now!!! Work are just insanely demanding ...
I had an amazing time!!!
I haven't gained any weight!!!
I kept pretty much to low carb except for a small-ish tub of deeeeeelish gelato in Niagara on the Lake and airplane food on the way home cos the flight was delayed by 18 hours!!
I'm right back on track today ... Except for 2 soya lattes from Costa as I felt I deserved them for the horrible day I've had
Will read all your news over the next couple of days and get back on track proper ASAP!!
Have missed you all!!! Currently I'm as fit as a butcher's dog (well ok, maybe a one eyed, one legged dog with mange and aged about 97!) as I've walked at least 4 hours a day!!! In the heat of plus35 degrees and humidity through the roof!! Lol
Will also post pics - if you can bear to see them!!
Love you guys!! Xxxxx