You're all far too kind! I now feel like an eeedjut making a big deal of something so uneventful! lol
anyway, just made and scoffed the soup. In my usual way, I just can't stick to a recipe so this was in it.
A courgette weighing 300g
2 tsps of butter
6 spring onions
a small bunch of coriander
a wee bit of bell pepper
about 70g of chicken breast (pre cooked)
a desert spoon of chicken stock
It was REALLY yummy... but, in my usual piggy fashion I've scoffed the lot and now feel uber hungry!!
i am never going to crack my appetite...
oh well, the soup was gorgeous and it was 7g of carbs! sounds like it was higher carbs than I thought it would be - good job I didn't use more courgettes.
I might try watercress next time.