Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Morning... Not brilliant and getting really annoyed about it.

But hey ho it will be fine soon.

Soup last night was fine - not sure if taste buds are affected as it wasn't as nice as I expected it to be

Soup was : blitzed chicken breast, bacon, broccoli, spring greens, celery, courgette, garlic and a sliver of bell pepper ( majorly hot!) with a bit of stock

This morning's breakfast is a 2 egg omelette with mushrooms and bacon but not very hungry

Sorry to be absent ... I'm struggling enough to get the day job done and any additional activity is too much... In other words I'm a complete wimp at the moment... Xx
Don't be daft hun - you ain't no wimp, in any way, shape or form...but you are unwell - now go back to bed and sleep! xxx
Fight on, Di. I hope you manage to have a restful day and feel better soon xx
Sorry to hear you're still unwell Di. Take it one day at a time. Get well soon xxx
Morning guys. Throat not as sore as it's been - so all good! Although still a bit sweaty!

Have gained 3lbs being ill - probably cos I relaxed on the menus and was eating more like 40g of carbs a day - which obviously doesn't suit me. But it could have been worse.

B this morning has been 2 scrambled eggs with butter and cheese plus coffee with unsweetened soya milk

Hope everyone has an amazing day.

Thank you for all your lovely good wishes - this really is one very special place!! *blowing kisses and sending hugs to everyone* xx
Glad you're feeling a little better - extra lbs will woosh off once you're done healing. I'd have gone right off track I'm sure so 40g is great.
Afternoon Di, glad you are feeling a bit better, am sure the 3lbs will be off in no time once you are fully well and back on track. xx
Hi sweetie, sorry to hear you are so under weather - hope you've had another improving day:). Are you still meeting Susie tomorrow or rescheduling when better?
Hi Di, apparently Susie cant join so suggest we postpone so you are fully well too
Evening all... Antibiotics will play havoc with the scales so might not weigh while I'm on them... Still showing 3 lbs up so best to leave them be.

D... Spring greens, asparagus, mushroom, bacon, egg, garlic

L... King prawns, iceberg, mayo, cucumber, lemon juice
You're all so gorgeous! Thank you for being so lovely! Xxx

17g carbs today!