Oh and to add to my giant post there:
You'll notice in that article it discusses long term restriction of -calories- as being what ultimately causes cravings that people give in to.
I suspect that restricting carbs instead (only slightly restricting cals) is really the way to go. Primarily because a low carb diet reduces the amount of leptin produced - that's the hormone that induces cravings - and also because sugar and white carbs are the biggest non hormonal craving triggers.
I think primal/paleo type eating is probably for me long term, once I get to a weight I am relatively comfortable with. Non ketogenic - between 50 and 100g of carbs daily, but still cutting out pure sugars and grains so the body remains in a fat burning rather than sugar burning state, thus keeping cravings at bay. It allows a wider range of veg, some dark choc, etc, and as it's not ketogenic you don't gain a ton of water through one meal off plan.