Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

I've not stepped onto the scales since Monday - and I was 14.9 on Monday. How the hell did I put on 3.5lbs over that last week on Atkins ...

Anyway, I have to report that I'm settling into not being on a diet - and enjoying getting my tastebuds back to experiencing different flavours. I do feel like I've been on a desert island for the last year with only protein and fat with a miniscule of carbs available lol. I've been so strict with myself that I'm quite enjoying this exploration.

I might have to buy some more beetroot today - god I love the stuff! lol

at the moment, I'm focused on MONDAY, 6 AUGUST when I get back to Atkins!!

An observation... I've not had any rice, pasta or bread yet, but I seem to easily get to 20% carbs! I'm also having a cheeky sweet potato and chickpea little salad pot from M&S... which is hugely carby at 36g but worth it to have the opportunity to savour things I've quite missed over the last year.

OK... must fly... just want to give you all another HUGE cyber-y hug for being the best folk I've ever ''met''. You're all so supportive and tolerant and patient and generous - I imagine you all shaking your pom poms and doing a jig while you shout out encouragements on the sidelines! Very touching and has me feeling quite tearful at times... THANK YOU xx
Morning lovely Di, hope today goes super fast for you.

You need more time to yourself woman, always doing for others. Your such a sweetie.

Your food plan sounds sensible and just what the doctor ordered. Freedom from food is what you need. Hugs to you. X
Morning lovely. Looks like you've sorted yourself out and are going to be able to hold out for the two weeks. As ML says it'll only be water weight and once back - are you going back to induction? I've forgotten! - it'll soon drop off.

:party0011: This is me shaking my pom poms at you :D
Phew! So glad you've ridden out your mini-crisis - and great call on the bath and candles, just the ticket!:D

It does strike me that you could use more "me" time. Your life is so hectic it exhausts me just reading about it, lol. The more you can relax and de-stress, the better, so I hope things calm down for you.

And that's a fantastic post from moonlights up the page. Whatever the scales might say, there is absolutely no way that you can gain more than a pound or so of actual fat from this process, and any water weight you gain will be gone in no time when you're back on Atkins.

By the way, as an observer it's fun to see what you're enjoying as a treat: raspberries, yes, I totally get that, but beetroot?! I don't think I've ever met anyone with a passion for beetroot, so that's a first! :D
Up until 2 yrs ago I vomited at the taste or smell of beetroot ... I was a really bad eater as a child ... I always wanted to like it as its such a super food so would try it every couple of years or so to see if my taste buds had changed... Eureka when they did... Love roasted and pickled best ... Ha ha
Wow, that's an amazing turnaround! I've never had beetroot roasted, so maybe I'll do that when I'm next on a break.

You say it's a "super" food, so is it supposed to have special properties or something?
Yes! Definitely super food ... Cos of having c 5yrs ago I delved into foods to help me fight as I badly neglected my diet before then.... Beetroot has it all...

Protects against heart disease strokes anti ageing lowers cholesterol high in potassium folates anti oxidants vit A and carotenoids
Cheese and beetroot sarnies are the dogs you know whats ;) hello Di, you do sound a bit more relaxed about this little break, thank goodness. And yes, you do need more "you" time, put yourself first for a change, thought when your work days went down you might get a bit of time to yourself but it seems more hectic than ever!!! xxx
oh good grief! completely forgot about cheese and beetroot!! right! that will be my foods for the next week then! lol... but not on bread - might try and get mama lupe tortilla...
LOL I love love love roasted beetroot - esp with a little oil and sesame seeds sprinkled on top. Just be ready for the surprise when you go to the loo the next day IYKWIM ;)
Have become a charity Bren... Might try and get registered!! Most of my work is pro bono and I don't know how to say 'no' lol

Yes I know what you mean Susie! But that effect does wear off ... Thank goodness ! Xx
Clear your pm box when you have a chance? Xx

Eta- never mind it went through!
Yes, I'm also a paid up member of the "Di needs to stop rushing around like a mad thing and enjoy her space" - but with the Toronto Two arriving soon, that may not happen!

Want to swap some of your goodness towards others for some of my laziness? :D xxxx
after tonight I have alcohol and crying to contribute..............god help me if we win any medals...................