Sorry about this next post - please don't read it as its self indulgent clap trap ...
Ok... I'm feeling really down today - partly because of the dawning realisation that the High light of most of my weeks so far has been visiting the ex MiL and doing unpaid for work for my difficult clients ... The trouble is that my best friend now has a baby and we used to do lots together and my gay friends are now in Toronto and my single male friend (who was never my sort of person but fun to do things with) is now with a girl and hardly ever sees me - obviously...
I do loads on my own - trips away, coffee shops, restaurants when I'm away ... But I've got no similar people in my age bracket to kick around with - my fault as always seemed to have friends at least 10 to 20 years younger and now they've all sprogged... Maybe one of the problems of living and working in London - more people are younger working here?
There must be a "find a friend" website - I'll research this weekend as quite frankly I feel like Norman no mates right now - which of course is completely not true but it would be nice to know I could hang around with friends in the same situation as me if I wanted to...
Ha ha... Ok ... Self pity over ... Have lit a candle - Christmas smells - and put my fairy lights on - I always feel cheery with those on...
Have also got a chicken casserole in the oven which will hopefully last a few meals ... Unless I replace my Saddo life with food and scoff the lot in one hit!!! Lol... Oh wait! That's what I've been doing so best not then.
Sorry... I hope no one has bothered to read all this ... I just want to have it in writing so I can see how pathetic I am!!