Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Whoop whoop well done you! Xx
Omg Di, i'm out of touch a couple of days and all sorts of things happen- pounds fall off, parties are had, wine is drunk and gentlemen are......!
So pleased that you had such a lovely time:D
Just home... There was dancing/disco/ loads of live music at this company dinner venue and I bopped!! Lol ... I almost felt like Bren! Ha ha! And it was fun! Lol

Off to bed now ...
Woohoo - bopping:D. All dancing great!
Was fantastic Bren!! Lol :) ... How's you? :)
OK... based on what I've been figuring out in the wonderful, highly tactical, strategic and down-right frustrating world of weight loss I think I have a theory to explain my 2lb gain this morning - ie back up to 17st!!!

One reason is no 'park' today - yet...

The other is that I seem to remember (I have the worst memory - even worse than Dory the forgetful fish in Finding Nemo) that I was about 17st about 10/12 yrs ago and hovered around that mark most of the time - I wasn't on a diet then it just was the weight I was at.

I think that my body remembers how it was then and thinks that if it holds onto water/fat/air in lungs or whatever long enough then I'll give up and eat again! Who knows, but I've struggled to get to 16 something in a long time and maybe ... just maybe... it's reluctant to lose anymore of my blubber so is holding onto it extra tight.

My diet has hardly changed over the last 3 months so I am at a loss to know what's the cause.

New Year's resolution number one:

No cream or cheese in January and will see what that does ... I'll just have meat/fish/eggs/veg and a bit of oil/fat ...

Hope you all have better days than this one has started out for me! lol

Sorry, rant over! xx:)

Aw Di, that is such a pain when it looked like things had turned the corner, don't know what else to suggest really (except a big poo lol) xx
Thanks Bren... I guess it's fine ... At least I haven't responded by sticking my face in a trough! Lol ... I'm still determined!

I'm starving today though lol :)
Oh the biggest of big hugs Di, that doesn't seem at all fair after you being so brilliantly focused - but Bren is right, stay strong and I bet you will see the scales moving down again xxx
Just remembered that I've had wine a few times over the last week so perhaps that's the reason !

Met an ex colleague for coffee today - she's as skinny as a bean but said that to keep her at that size she sometimes can't eat much at all and has noticed a huge change as she's got older... So I guess I just have to factor that in as well..,

Thank you so much for being there for me while I whinge and moan... In the past I'd have just jacked it in - thank goodness for Atkins as it helps me so much cos I don't feel deprived so it is much easier to deal with and stay on plan!

Then I have to deal with the deep joy of excess skin! Yuck!!! Lol... I feel SO ashamed! Lol :)
Morning all :)

Am off to have lunch with friends today ...

B - egg, pancetta, mushrooms, garlic, coffee and cream

L - not sure yet

D - ??

A - I guess it would be rude not to! Lol

E - yes, some as I have to get to Walton on Thames

W - hopefully

Enjoy your day! :)
Morning Di, the excess skin may go love, mine did. :)
Morning lovely

Have a great day with your friends - and i echo completely what Linz and Jim say, the skin will go - and while it does, it's such a fab reminder of how well you've done xxx