Omg Di, i'm out of touch a couple of days and all sorts of things happen- pounds fall off, parties are had, wine is drunk and gentlemen are......!
So pleased that you had such a lovely time
Just home... There was dancing/disco/ loads of live music at this company dinner venue and I bopped!! Lol ... I almost felt like Bren! Ha ha! And it was fun! Lol
OK... based on what I've been figuring out in the wonderful, highly tactical, strategic and down-right frustrating world of weight loss I think I have a theory to explain my 2lb gain this morning - ie back up to 17st!!!
One reason is no 'park' today - yet...
The other is that I seem to remember (I have the worst memory - even worse than Dory the forgetful fish in Finding Nemo) that I was about 17st about 10/12 yrs ago and hovered around that mark most of the time - I wasn't on a diet then it just was the weight I was at.
I think that my body remembers how it was then and thinks that if it holds onto water/fat/air in lungs or whatever long enough then I'll give up and eat again! Who knows, but I've struggled to get to 16 something in a long time and maybe ... just maybe... it's reluctant to lose anymore of my blubber so is holding onto it extra tight.
My diet has hardly changed over the last 3 months so I am at a loss to know what's the cause.
New Year's resolution number one:
No cream or cheese in January and will see what that does ... I'll just have meat/fish/eggs/veg and a bit of oil/fat ...
Hope you all have better days than this one has started out for me! lol
Oh the biggest of big hugs Di, that doesn't seem at all fair after you being so brilliantly focused - but Bren is right, stay strong and I bet you will see the scales moving down again xxx
Just remembered that I've had wine a few times over the last week so perhaps that's the reason !
Met an ex colleague for coffee today - she's as skinny as a bean but said that to keep her at that size she sometimes can't eat much at all and has noticed a huge change as she's got older... So I guess I just have to factor that in as well..,
Thank you so much for being there for me while I whinge and moan... In the past I'd have just jacked it in - thank goodness for Atkins as it helps me so much cos I don't feel deprived so it is much easier to deal with and stay on plan!
Then I have to deal with the deep joy of excess skin! Yuck!!! Lol... I feel SO ashamed! Lol
Have a great day with your friends - and i echo completely what Linz and Jim say, the skin will go - and while it does, it's such a fab reminder of how well you've done xxx