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Long time no MiniMins.
Quick catch up - Still working, although just 20 hours a week now. We have another puppy, Floyd, he's a Staffy X JRT. So my sign in name should now be Stella&FloydsMammy lol.
Gastro Dr has me on a low fructose and low fibre diet which I'm struggling with, seems really difficult to diet whilst on it. I'm really missing brown bread, OJ and veggies.
One of my goals while working with my therapist was to get myself motivated to lose weight/exercise. Last session she asked me to try and walk the dogs more and get back on my Wii. Well yesterday (5 days before my next therapy session) I picked up enough courage to go on Wii Fit Weight gain of 5lb since the last time.
So being the 1st of the month I thought I'd try keeping a diary again. I've reset my weights and giving it another go
1st March - Pack walk with the dogs (ran for about 100m) and 160 cals burnt on Wii. :chores016:
Quick catch up - Still working, although just 20 hours a week now. We have another puppy, Floyd, he's a Staffy X JRT. So my sign in name should now be Stella&FloydsMammy lol.
Gastro Dr has me on a low fructose and low fibre diet which I'm struggling with, seems really difficult to diet whilst on it. I'm really missing brown bread, OJ and veggies.
One of my goals while working with my therapist was to get myself motivated to lose weight/exercise. Last session she asked me to try and walk the dogs more and get back on my Wii. Well yesterday (5 days before my next therapy session) I picked up enough courage to go on Wii Fit Weight gain of 5lb since the last time.
So being the 1st of the month I thought I'd try keeping a diary again. I've reset my weights and giving it another go
1st March - Pack walk with the dogs (ran for about 100m) and 160 cals burnt on Wii. :chores016: