Angel's Fat Loss Diary & Exercise Regime

Right. So a disappointing month for me. It was Ramadhaan, but even then. I managed to put on 3lbs, which is really very weird considering that when I checked my weight last week, it was at the 78kg mark. I managed to maintain throughout the whole month and even lost a lb or 2 during one of the weeks, so I'm really shocked to find that it's gone that up. I'm not sure whether it's gone that up in a week or what. I haven't been 175lbs for a year now as I managed to maintain it at the 173lbs stage. Still onwards and forward and everything. Started exercising on monday. P90x legs and back, and man it felt good. Was really sore on tuesday so took that day off, and then yesterday i did insanity: plyometric circuit and that felt good too. Was still a bit sore from p90x so gave it all i had. I'm hoping that I get to at least 174lbs by the end of the week. I really am disappointed in myself, but I think maybe it must have been from last week friday, when it was eid, and i guess it was a late catcher as i was a bit naughty then, probably eating more than 2000calories worth of food to celebrate. Arghh, oh wells, nobody to blame but myself.

I'm hoping to do legs and back today p90x, and then pure cardio on insanity. I really want to shed those 3lbs that cropped up and hopefully i can do that by the end of next week or at least the month which isn't that much to ask for really.

So far today, I've had about 200 calories. I don't think I'm gonna eat until just before i exercise, and then after, and total my days calories to 1000. I really want to get to my goal size.

A new start for me then. Will change the start date to 13th September now.
Lost that extra 1lb thankfully. Hasn't been a good week exercise wise (only did 3 sessions), but been good food wise. I'm fasting at the moment to make up for missed fasts which is why I haven't exercised since saturday but hopefully i'll be able to tomorrow.

Hopefully i'll be able to feel better tomorrow so i'll post again then.
Ahhh STS last week, damn!

My fault really, was a bit bad. I'm back on track though, a bit. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I had a rest day today. I did plyo and legs & back yesterday. Legs kill today. I set out a personalised schedule/timetable and it looks like this:

Week 1

Monday - Insanity
Tuesday - Insanity
Wednesday – Insanity/Legs & back
Thursday – Rest day
Friday - Insanity
Saturday – P90x Back & biceps & ab ripper x
Sunday – P90x Plyo & legs & back

Week 2

Monday – Rest day
Tuesday – Insanity
Wednesday – Insanity
Thursday – Legs & back
Friday – P90x Plyo
Saturday - Insanity
Sunday – P90x yoga or something else

Hopefully i can stick to it, im currently on week 2. I only just done this timetable yesterday so didn't stick to week 1 as i didn't even know about it haha. But hopefully im gonna bring it.

I had ~1400 calories today, not good at all.

Hopefully writing it down will mean i stick to it so im gonna write it down now that from now on I'm only going to have ~1000 calories and on those rare days where i indulge in something ~1200 calories. Okay, feels better. I think i can stick to it, only way to find out is tomorrow. I really wish i didn't stop exercising last year as i was so focused and never once went off my 1000 calorie plan, i really stuck to it. But onwards and forwards and all that so hopefully can make a new start.

I'm gonna write down each day now, so i know that i have done everything i can and so i know im not lacking.

By the end of the week, i wish to have lost 2lbs or more, although i'd be okay with 1lb i guess.
Oops, forgot to write in this yesterday even though i was planning to.

I did plyometrics yesterday on insanity, boy did it kill. I can't believe i ever said that insanity was easier than p90x cos it really isn't. At least with p90x it's easy to continue and complete the session. With insanity, it's so hard! I had about 1000 calories yesterday so really good. I can't wait for my weigh in at the end of the week
Arghh, I should really stick to writing in this everyday. Sorry peoples, just keep forgetting.

Good news: Lost 2 lbs last week, so goes to show that fixing up everything was an excellent idea. Also made some slight changes to my workout plans. I'm hoping that by the end of this week, I lose 1-2lbs. But right now, I don't really care about my weight as I care about my actual size. My thighs are still huge and flabby. I'm going to measure them today, and then measure them either fortnightly or monthly to see any progress made cos I'm the sort of person that wants to wear fitted jeans rather than fitted tops. (If that makes sense) So hopefully my upper legs will start taking shape and lose their flab bit by bit.

It's going to be Legs & Back today, woop. I know im in for a proper workout.
Ok so i think im gonna be STS this week as haven't had a chance to exercise apart from twice as have just begun working. I usually exercise at about 8pm so gonna have to schedule and do a routine as i work 5-9 weekdays and 10-5.30pm/10-7pm weekends. It's been hectic this week as i just started yesterday so wasn't able to exercise yesterday which is a bummer. I was planning on exercising today in the afternoon but remembered i had an interview. I'm not making excuses or anything as i realise i could have done something about it. I didn't exercise yesterday as i was in so much pain as i started my period. I really wish i exercised in the morning today.

But now we know that if i do STS (which is very likely) then it's going to be due to my lack of exercise, but we'll see on monday. Tomorrow and sunday i work till 7 so i'll be back in time for 8pm, eat then and exercise at 9 which will be fab. :D

Can't wait to get this whole thing done. Don't get me wrong, i'm ecstatic that i found a job, but it couldn't have come at a worse time (just as i was setting up a good doable plan with exercise) Arghh, but if i really wanna lose the weight, then i'll find a way no matter what.

I think i'm probably gonna exercise at about 2pm on weekdays and about 8pm on weekends (if im working till 5.30pm) or 9pm (if im working till 7pm). We'll see how it goes. I'll write in this tomorrow stating how it went.

I really hope i lose 1lb this week. I don't think i'll lose more as my eating hasn't been that fabulous and my exercise hasn't been that great either and the fact that i'm retaining a lot of water due to period. Hopefully, we'll see.
I'm assuming the above post has been made in error.

Anyways, i promised i'd write in this today, so here it goes:

The blunt truth is that i failed badly. I don't think i'm going to STS at all. I think i'm gonna end up actually gaining. I'm quite mad as whenever I'm doing quite well it always gets ruined with my period and thus an increase in appetite. I've eaten rubbish food today as i got back quite late from work and alot of it too. ARGHH! I told my sister to cook my food separately but she had to not listen. I'm really mad at myself.

An increase in water retention + increase in appetite + lack of exercise (did i mention that im too tired to exercise at the moment :() is really not good for the exercise loss. I know tomorrow would be a different day. I AM gonna exercise when i get back tomorrow and will make sure i get alot of sleep today so im not too sleepy. I WILL eat healthily. I'm hoping a miracle occurs in time for monday and now the best i can hope for is STS. I'm feeling really guilty actually. :( But onwards and forwards and all that. I really wish this work didn't come up at this time as i could have really stuck to my exercise schedule. I have to work something out and quickly too. I'm thinking perhaps i should do monday-friday exercise and rest on the weekend, but i really wanna make use of the weekend, so not too sure. I might wake up super early tomorrow and make use of it so we'll see.

I'll write in this tomorrow and will let you know again if i failed miserably in both the exercise and food.

I have to really work back into it again and develop a routine so it makes it much easier for me to get back into it as im gonna end up losing motivation and gonna be less determined and i really really want to get to a loose size 12. :( I always hate making a new start date and trying to get back on track and starting new plans and doing all these new timetables and schedules as it makes it that much harder to stay motivated and to continue doing what's best.

I'm gonna try and not be lazy tomorrow though. Wish me the best.
I can't believe it. I lost 1lb last week yet i only did about 2/3 sessions of exercise. I didn't manage to exercise on sunday as was so tired, so decided that i'm only gonna exercise mondays-fridays whenever i have to work on the weekends and if i have no work then exercise my original 6 days per week. I exercised yesterday and today and gave it my all so im chuffed to bits. I think i overestimated how much i ate, since i come back so late and never eat beforehand. Gonna have to do something about that as i dont wanna get loose skin.

So far so good.
Woot, lost a lb so that takes me to 170lb and i now have a very high chance of getting to this months goal of 75kg so hopefully i can do it.
Oh no's. I think I'll put on 4lbs but we'll have to see tomorrow. :(

I'm doing alright exercise wise but it's my eating that's letting me down most of the time. I've got to be more strict, but I'm kind of struggling, what with work and everything. I wish i never started my job in the first place. I'm going to try and be more determined today so we'll see what happens. But at this rate of gaining and then losing, I'll never reach my goal. I'm trying to be fairly optimistic though. I know i can't reach my goal of 75kg for this month, but I'm hoping that i can get to 74kg at least by the end of next month. We'll see what happens. I'll now write in this weekly at first and if im making some progress (once i get to 12 stone), I might end up writing in this everyday. I need to sort out my eating. I wish it was last year when I was so determined and stuck to my plan 100%. Now it seems to have gone all wrong, and I seem to be following my temptations more. But I'm gonna make promises and when I feel tempted, I'll try and think of how good I'll look if I was a size 12. I'm going to try and exercise everyday for the next 2 weeks and have a calorie intake of 1000 per day.

Actually, you know what? Forget weekly. I'll write in my calorie intake per day and the exercise I done. This will be for the next 2 weeks and I'll take it from there. Wish me luck.

Gonna do insanity today. Ahh, it's gonna kill, but well worth it.
I ended up putting on 3 lbs the week before last, but guess what? After being strict and proper motivated, I lost that 3lbs and an extra 3lbs, so 6lbs for last week, woot! :D I'm now 167lbs. So happy. I took out potatoes completely away, i took out cheesey stuff like lasagne, i took out crisps completely, i took out chocolate though im allowing myself one or two mini ones per week (from celebrations box), i took out white bread completely (so even if im down on brown bread, im gonna find alternatives without white bread), i took out unnecessary fatty stuff and snacks, i took out a complete bunch of rubbish basically. So finally, i can say that im doing something right.
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I lost just less than a pound last week. Not anything significant, so doesn't really affect the lbs, but still, a loss is a loss. Hoping to lose 2lbs this week. I hope to get to 160lbs by the end of the month. :) I'm really hoping that my legs start shaping up by the end of the month too, otherwise gonna have to do more leg exercises. I'm still strict on my food intake, need to get more healthy groceries. I've not touched white bread, white rice or white pasta still. WOOT. I haven't touched rice or pasta at all actually as although I have the brown variety, I never get a chance to cook it.

Wish me all the best x

PS. Gonna check my measurements now, and then compare them to the end of the month and do this every month to see the differences x
1lb gone. Not much, but I was pretty strict last week, oh wells. I'm 1lb closer to my target so all is good. :)
Not beating myself up too much, but went way overboard with calorie consumption today, but only because it was Eid. The only day so far during the past month or so that I've had more than 1000 calories so don't feel too bad. Will try and cut my calories the next few days to make up for it, but all is not lost. I still did my exercise, so im hoping today doesn't make too much of a difference.
Increased my goal weight to 130lb, just in case i dont get to goal size, as my goal size is most important rather than goal weight.
2lbs loss this week. :D Woot. Means my second mini goal is completed.
Forgot to post yesterday, that i lost just less than 1lb, so takes me to 163lbs now. :D
Re: Angel's Fat Loss Diary & Exercise Regime

Keep it up! I'm working out as well, doing 10-14 mile work outs each day and giving myself one day break. After I calculate it, I'm losing around 1500-2500 calories a day from cardio.

With so much excerise that you're doing, maybe you could stay between 1200 calories, since 1000 is still too low.
Thank you very much elm. :) I lost just more than a lb this week, so I'm 162lbs now. :) I thought i would gain or STS since i started my monthlies and didn't do much exercise wise, so very glad that i lost 1lb.

I see what you mean about 1000 calories, but i really need it that strict and i work nights and only ever eat after 9pm, so i can't eat much anyway. But wow 10-14 miles is great. Keep it up!

I'm hoping to get to 154lbs by the end of december.
Extra 2lbs gone. I did no exercise at all last week, and none either so far this week as I've had proper early starts for work last week and late finishes, and I've been unwell. Planning on getting back into exercise today. Surprised that I lost 2lbs though. Still that's a total of 40lbs so far, woot!