Angel's Fat Loss Diary & Exercise Regime

Another 1lb gone. I only did one session though, which is appalling even by my standards and this time i have no excuses. I could blame the weather, but it's my own fault. I started today again though, and it was a good workout. :D

I've also updated my goal weight yet AGAIN lol to 120lbs this time. I'm hoping i'll get to goal size way before then, but if i don't then it's something to take into consideration. It's not a definate goal, as like i've said i'm more interested in goal size. I'm looking forward to it though. :) I'm hoping to get to 150lbs by the end of january so something to work hard for. My eating has also improved tremendously. I still have occasional urges, but stop myself. I allow myself chocolate from time to time. I was never addicted to chocolate anyway, so it's not something i need, just something i treat myself to. I have quite a collection, and have 1 or 2 small pieces a day and take that into consideration in my total daily calories. So far, so good.
This is awesome! Really encouraging, well done! Motivated ms to
Start my own... If I know how!! x
Good luck elaine. :)

I only did about 4 sessions this week. Not entirely bad, but certainly not good either. I had my own reasons (aka monthly) but even that is not reason enough i don't think to miss 3 days especially as i promised myself 5/6 days minimum and the full 7 days if i could. I'm not going to beat myself about it though. I figure, tomorrow is a new start, the last day of my 'monthlies' and I'll go back to business. I'm seriously gonna kick it up big time, and make sure to put in an extra good workout, for missing all that time. I'm looking to incorporate a bit of chalean extreme into my workouts, for more resistance training. I've seriously got to get back into the routine of doing exercise every single day or mostly every single day and not slack about at all, as i find that like this week, i have one or 2 good sessions, and then the other days get lazy or make up excuses. Whereas when i started this thing, i was proper motivated and always kept going. As long as i have my goal in mind and as long as i heed my own personal promises, I know i can do this.

Tomorrow is gonna be different than any of the other days, but similar to some in that tomorrow is a true restart. And so im gonna try and write in this diary everyday detailing which workouts i did so i can know i did the minimum 6 workout p/week that i said i would. I NEED to get back into it for my own good as i really don't want all the hard work poured down the drain.
Thanks hun. Tomorrow is also the dreaded weigh in day for this week lol.

I'm thinking of switching it to monthly weigh ins or fortnightly, but dunno if my patience could handle that.
So after reading Elaines thread about the 31hr challenge, i thought to incorporate a similar challenge of my own to ENSURE that i don't mess about this month and to ensure that i get the full benefits. No more rest days missy, at least not for this month UNLESS something untoward happened that i can't obviously foresee, but this is also a personal promise to myself as much as it is a challenge too. Ok the challenge is to do a workout session every single day from now (3rd jan) to 31st jan at least 30mins worth. Bare minimum, so 3.5hrs minimum per week (though for what i have planned, it'll be way more than this). Just looking at the calendar now, i see that it's 4 weeks and a day. Perfect. Can not wait. Will try and post everyday. :D My target is still 150lbs by the end of this month, and seeing that the 31st is on a monday, which is my weigh in day, i'm hoping it's gonna be a good successful month.

I'm not too keen on tomorrow (or shall i say later), i know that i'm probably going to STS, which is a shame really as i've been losing consistently since i restarted properly in october, but oh wells, STS is still ok i guess. We'll see.
Ok so update time:

I was too busy to write in this last week during weigh in day on monday, but shockingly i ended up with my consistent losing, and lost 1lb, so that was pleasing. I did stick to my challenge, in that i have exercised everyday since monday, but I haven't always done the minimum 30mins that I promised i'd do, so im happy that i've done it everyday (most have been resistance training, so weights etc.), but im planning on sticking to 30mins and staying on that in a very strict way. Hopefully today will be the start of things. I did start work again, so woot. :D Today was weigh in day, and i lost another lb, again yay me lol. :D

Will try and post tomorrow. Hopefully i can get to 150lbs by the end of this month.
Okay, getting to 150lbs by end of this month is not looking too realistic. I really need a kick up the backside. I haven't stuck to 30mins at all, though i have been trying to do at least some form of exercise everyday. Really getting lazy and making up excuses. ARGHH. I've decided to change this challenge to exercising everyday, and then forward on the minimum 30mins challenge everyday to february, at least that way i wont feel so much like a failure. I feel so guilty as it was a personal promise to myself more than a challenge and i just haven't kept to it. I think i will gain this week, and wouldn't be surprised at all. :( I feel quite down now. Minimum 30 mins my back foot. Really thought i'd be doing 1hr rather than the minimum i set myself, so really slacking. & i don't even know why. God knows how much i really want this, so i really need to do something about those lazy days. I'm hoping today will be a brand new start and i will definately do minimum 30mins today, but hopefully around 45mins. Fingers crossed i can stick to it the rest of the month. Will post any progress now at the end of the month and will update then on how the rest of the month went. Wish me the best x I'm going to try and make up the missed minutes into other workouts, so hopefully the minimum 3.5hrs for last week and this week missed can be made up, that way it wont feel that bad.
Haven't updated this in a long time oops. Anyways, i didn't really stick to exercising everyday or even for 30mins each time in fact. ARGH. Never again will i set such a challenge, as it just hinders my progress, as it stresses me out and puts unnecessary pressure on me. And the fact that i work weekends until 7pm and am so knackered afterwards doesn't help with my stress levels either. So i've decided that for february instead of doing a silly one like 'exercise every day', im gonna do an 'exercise every weekday' as i know with weekdays i can stick to it, as can easily exercise mornings.

Anyways, during my weigh in day 2 weeks ago i was 155lbs and on the monday of the week that is just going past, i STS'd. Weigh in day is again this monday, and i think i will STS again.

February is definately going to be a strict month for me. I can feel it. I'm now going to post at the end of february, and i'll update if I've made any progress and if things are going according to plan. Also will take my monthly measurement on january and compare differences at end of february. Hopefully can still do this. Wish me the best x
So I said I'd come at the end of February to update. And here i am, 148lbs now. :D A couple of lbs to go till I get to a BMI of below 25. But i don't go by BMI anyway. A total weight loss of 52lbs now. :)

It's been an okay month for me, I hope March is even better. Will take measurements tomorrow and compare.
Hey that's weird, i'm almost 100% sure that february wasn't the last time i wrote in this, in fact im certain. Wonder what's happened...

Anyway, update time (sorry for not posting for a very long time). I've now lost a total of 66lbs so 1/3 of my body weight. That's 30kg wow. I'm very pleased with myself. My waist has gone smaller, just waiting for my thighs to get to a good size, and just need my bodyfat% to go down a bit. Also need to tone up various places. So happy as don't have any loose skin either. :D I forgot my old measurements so will post them up and compare to my measurements atm. I'm a size 10 on top and size 12/14 bottoms, mostly 12 though. Planning on getting this down to maybe size 8/10 on top and size 10/12 bottom.

My BMI may be in the healthy range, but i know i still have a way to go. In fact before i started this i would have been happy with a BMI of 22.8, but i guess im one of those people who BMI is really not accurate for, as even with a BMI of 22.8, I know definately that i still have quite a bit to shift, and hopefully most of it will shift from my thighs (they still have alot of flab on them). Also want to lose about 1 more inch from my waist or maybe 2 more inches depending on whether i think it's enough or not.

Taking all that into consideration im putting new goal weight as 50kg. If all the things that i stated i want to happen above do happy before i get to 50kg, then obviously i'll know thats when i need to stop. But if they don't then i'll carry on until my bodyfat% is where i want it to be, and until i think my body size is ok. Don't really want to get the size 6 look, so don't worry, not trying to kill myself. :p
So it’s now 4 months on, and I now weigh 125lbs, probably less as weigh in day is this coming Sunday. 2 of those months I spent on holiday and though I was scared I was going to put on weight (as my eating habits weren’t good), I actually ended up losing about 10lbs, waheyy! I ended up gaining about 3.5lbs of that back, but hopefully this Sunday will show that I’ve lost that (it’s a fortnightly weigh in). I now have a BMI of 21.5 but although my weight and BMI seem to scream out ‘HEALTHY! HEALTHY’, I still feel like I have about a stone to lose or close to that. Maybe not a full stone, but just getting rid of the resistant fat on my thighs, tummy and arms. I’ve lost more inches off my waist, bust, underbust, hips, arms and thighs and I’m aiming to lose at least one more inch if not two from my arms, hips, waist and thighs and then I think I’d be happy and just concentrate on toning up and building muscle. I also have no loose skin so that's awesome too. :)

In terms of before and after of inches lost:


BUST: 36 inches
WAIST: 36 inches
UPPER THIGHS: 27 inches
UNDERBUST: 32 inches
HIPS: 41 inches


BUST: 31 inches
WAIST: 27.5 inches
UPPER THIGHS: 21.5 inches
UNDERBUST: 26.5 inches
HIPS: 36 inches


BUST: 5 inches
WAIST: 8.5 inches
UPPER THIGHS: 5.5 inches
UNDERBUST: 5.5 inches
HIPS: 5 inches

My natural waistline is actually 26.5 but I can’t remember if I done my before measurements of my waist over my belly button or over my natural waistline (where it creases when you bend to the side) so took my measurements now over my belly button to be on the safe side.

I’m now a loose’ish size 10 and can fit into some size 8 clothes, mainly tops as thighs are still a bit too huge. It’s weird cos I know I said I wanted to be a size 12 and that was my goal, but although I’m not exactly aiming for a size 8, I feel like I’m still not at the ideal body stage yet.

My bodyfat % is normal now too and muscle % is at the higher end of normal so that’s all good. :D I'm aiming to get body fat to about 28% at least if not 25% and get my muscle % into the 'High' category.

December time is hopefully the month I’ll get to the ideal place, and hopefully starting from January I’ll start maintaining.
Ok so I had my fortnightly weigh in on sunday. Guess what? I STS'ed. :) You're probs wondering why I'm happy lol. Well, even though my weight stayed the same, my muscle has now gone up to 31.2% which is in the high category so that's one of my goals done and my bodyfat is now 28.8% (only 0.8 more to get to minimum target of 28%) yayy me. :D I honestly thought aiming to get to 25% bodyfat was out of my league. I guess not. I could probs aim lower and I might once I get there. Anythings possible atm.

In terms of exercise, I've started another round of Insanity and I'm now on week 3. Guess those 2 months on holiday without exercise wreaked havoc as I'm finding it tough but I'm getting back into it and although it's still just as hard, I enjoy that energised feeling at the end. :D I always try my hardest and just try to focus on the exercise itself and not the pain.

I'm thinking of switching to a full body weight training workout once Insanity is finished and doing it 3 times a week alongside another beachbody workout program. The ones I'm looking into are Rev Abs and Brazil Butt Lift. Reason why I really wanna do the full body workout is cos I'm really aiming to get the 'toned' body look, and for that weight training is really important to get those muscles defined.

Still got until the end of november though which is when my round 2 of Insanity finishes. Can't wait to get that awesome body that is hiding somewhere. :)