I'm back, Sorry for the delay but as you know Ive been busy getting married and jetting off to Vegas

As promised photo's below,

This was me the eveing before the wedding !
Me and my hubby ( not the best of pictures )

Slighty better one of me and a work friend.
Me in my old dress just over 7 months ago and me in MY dress.
Me in the middle in my night time dress.
I will be weighed on Sat but I know I have put on a HUGE AMOUNT OF WEIGHT in little over 2 weeks :cry:
I do though know I am back on track as of first thing tomorrow morning and will get it off again plus the last of the weight I wanted off to get to goal.
The wedding was amazing, the food and wine flowed all day then the next day we stayed at the hilton and the food and drink flowed again, We then flew to Vegas for 9 days at Encore / Wynn and you guessed it the food and drink flowed for the next 9 days. I have had my last " meal " this evening and am looking forward to feeling better. I enjoy food but boy does it make me feel bad to feel so full and bloated.
My size 12 jeans still fasten ( just ) but they are by no means comfy. I did buy some fab clothes in the states and am away to London in 3 weeks for a friends 40th and want my excess off by then. M
y new ultimate goal is to be a size 10 all over by Xmas that may sound easy but my back is always bigger so not as easy as it sounds. I have to confess my HUBBY loves me the weight / size I am now as my " curves " are back in the right places ! I however know I want the weight off again.
I dont feel too bad and I wouldnt change the last few weeks as I have had a blast but time to get back on track.
Thanks for all of the best wishes.
Soooooooooooooooooooooo what have I missed around here ? How is everyone getting on ? x x x