Gold Member
Hang in there! And however bad the weigh-in tomorrow is (and it may not be as bad as you fear!), at least you will know where you are and can start up again. Might give you the kick you need mentally as well.
It is not easy getting back on CD after having gone off it. I now seem to be doing ss+ when I should be doing ss.
At least I haven't quit entirely, but need to really kick myself up the backside (now there's a physical challenge!) and stick with it.
We can do this - we've done it before! I like your idea of taking it one day at a time - we can do one day, surely!!!
It is not easy getting back on CD after having gone off it. I now seem to be doing ss+ when I should be doing ss.
We can do this - we've done it before! I like your idea of taking it one day at a time - we can do one day, surely!!!