Am feeling quite good

everything looks so much better on me. I did get complacent though and broke the diet for about a week. Nothing that silly but got a taste of eating too much. Thought I would shock myself and actually look at the scales for the first time in 3 months. It said 14.4, which was close to a stone heavier than I'd thought I was

, and way too close to 15 stone for my liking, so took my dieting-carcrash in hand (had been over the top at early Halloween party and my friends40th). I am now 14 stone, though I know I look less. It's my birthday at the end of the week and I'm determined to be 13 something by then. Then I am doing weekly weighing until Xmas eve. I would really like to be around 12.9 by then.
am very focussed again, and the scales are my friends now. Before this, when I was so much bigger and not in the vlcd groove/habit, knowing I wasn't magically smaller was too much to bear. Now I am smaller, but not light enough, the scales will keep me on the right track.
i looked in a full length mirror in m&s last week, & saw myself from pretty much all sides. It's good to see how much my appearance has changed. I tried on a pretty top in a size 18 as they didn't have a 16. It was huge on me, it simply didn't fit, but the 14 was too tight. I know if I lost another 2 stone it would. Weightloss is so freeing. I really hated being huge, it knocked my self respect and confidence. Thank goodness I found s&s. so much more like food.
being fatter was my armor, now being more physically socially acceptable is. I don't judge a book by its cover but so many people do.
Unfortunately when skinnier I also get a lot more attention generally, which I find a bit weird. I think I just look so different when skinny or heavy that people I know thro work who haven't seen me for a while, just stare. That's okay though. Am sure as long as I don't glam myself up too much I'll be okay.
i want to be a healthy 12 stone again, nothing is going to stop that.