Angie-bum's getting gorgeous slim and save daily diary

We do indeed know how to do this :)

my scales said I had dropped 7lb this am, but won't be dancing around the living room until I am firmly back under the 14 stone mark. Was just reading some of my entries from years back and reminded myself that I was 12.2lb when I met my OH on 18th March 2000. I don't want to put undoable goals on here as it just upends me, but I do want to keep that weight in mind. 12 stone was always the weight I looked best. At the moment I just want to get under 14, then race down to 13 and slog on til I'm under 12.9..... That's the weight I got down to last time when i fell pregnant.

I also had noodles today....miracle noodles, look em up, they were okay, texture and colour a bit weird, but very filing and practically no cals. Got mine from amzon but will try and get some from holland ad Barrett

6 weeks of being good and sticking to the plan, roll on valentine's ;)
Was looking at these miracle noodles. Interesting. What did you flavour them with? Suppose soy sauce or something euqlly calorie free would cheer them up a bit. I am getting there, slowly by surely. Maybe I too will go back and read old posts to remind myself of what i was like when I was all fired up and losing. I met D on 19th May 2010. I weighed 10 stone 10lbs! Married life is not good for the waistline!

The other night, the night before I was starting back on S&S, I was switching off the TV and noticed a Galaxy selection box, unwrapped, just leaning against the wall. Turns out he bought it for me for Christmas and completely forgot to give it too me! Doh! It's sitting here beside me, still unopened I hasten to add. Can't decide what to do with it but I suppose I should get him to put it in the attic until Easter or something! :17729:What is he like!
Definitely! Put them away, get in the zone, lose those lbs

ive lost another lb this am and should be down to my birthday weight by next week.

i flavoured the noodles with small portion of minced beef in tomato sauce and a clove of garlic and a spring onion, with a tiny bit of cheese on top. Not s&s but low carb. It was very filling, the texture (rubbery) and the colour (translucent white) was a bit odd, but actually it was okay if u don't concentrate on its texture or what it looks like.
given I have eaten all manner or strange unfood like substances (vlcd) to lose weight, this was no great shakes.

i want to be 13 stone, am so determined now. Saw a relative of OH in September, she saw that I'd lost quite a bit then, so she went on lipotrim and has lost 3 stone since then. I have lost not so much! It really got my attention , she was looking great, not strayed over Christmas, was talking to me how she was going to get to goal and do maintenance properly. She was telling me this whilst I was shovelling party food and drink down my beak. I went back on s&s the next day.

am very determined again, am back in the zone, no ifs or buts
Blimey, 3 stone in as many months! And all that fighting talk to maintenance too! I'll tell you what she is.........can spot it a mile away........she's a first timer! We've been there too. That golden first time when you can do no wrong and you stick to the letter and go straight to goal! Not flavouring no-cal nooddles, with a bit of mince, and a bit of tomato, and a bit of spring onion, and a bit of garlic and the tiniest bit of cheese! Don't worry, I'm at it too. It's a different ballgame completely second time round. You know all the tricks and the cheats. And let's face it dieting even with the cheats is better than not dieting at all!

It's not helped by the fact that I was single first time around and now I am married, with a husband who likes to cook for me and has never been on a diet in his life. Hard, hard, hard. Today I had a S&S chocolate shake, the almond and chocolate bar with coffee for lunch, then a blinking bowl of homemade chicken soup with pearl barley and potato in it (why because it was just made and there's a lot of it for hubby to get through, think I might just freeze half of it) and plain chicken, broad beans and a Spicy spaghetti meal replacement. Also drank four glasses of water. So you see I'm getting back on track, except for the soup but as you say if we want the results we need to be 100%! Off to read some of my old diaries for inspiration.
Keep trying. It just takes one perfect SS day and then you can build on that!
Blimey, 3 stone in as many months! And all that fighting talk to maintenance too! I'll tell you what she is.........can spot it a mile away........she's a first timer! We've been there too. That golden first time when you can do no wrong and you stick to the letter and go straight to goal! Not flavouring no-cal nooddles, with a bit of mince, and a bit of tomato, and a bit of spring onion, and a bit of garlic and the tiniest bit of cheese! Don't worry, I'm at it too. It's a different ballgame completely second time round. You know all the tricks and the cheats. And let's face it dieting even with the cheats is better than not dieting at all!

It's not helped by the fact that I was single first time around and now I am married, with a husband who likes to cook for me and has never been on a diet in his life. Hard, hard, hard. Today I had a S&S chocolate shake, the almond and chocolate bar with coffee for lunch, then a blinking bowl of homemade chicken soup with pearl barley and potato in it (why because it was just made and there's a lot of it for hubby to get through, think I might just freeze half of it) and plain chicken, broad beans and a Spicy spaghetti meal replacement. Also drank four glasses of water. So you see I'm getting back on track, except for the soup but as you say if we want the results we need to be 100%! Off to read some of my old diaries for inspiration.
Keep trying. It just takes one perfect SS day and then you can build on that!

Oh night owl u r so right! First time round vlcds seemed so easy and cheat free and we just try and try again to match (and even exceed) that first time success! I'm determined to exceed (slightly) my first time success, but I know it will take me about 6x longer
Hello, I've managed to lose my Christmas gain, hope you have too. Two months to Valentine's Day -- we can make a decent dent in the weight mountain by then I am sure!
Angie-bum! Attention! What about this -- creamy chocolate desert! 100g quark (skimmed milk, mixed with a crispy chocolate shake (orange essence and ground up splenda tabs to taste), topped with fat free fromais frais. That ain't even cheating! That pure S&S or CD with your skimmed milk allowance!!! Woohoo, what time does Sainsbury's open in the morning! I could have one for breakfast!!
Great to see you've got back on the horse, angie-bum! That's the best way. I keep thinking that if I hadn't given up every time I fell off the wagon, I'd probably be at goal by now! That's an awful thought - I've been mucking about on diets for the past 4-5 years! Ridiculous! And it's never as easy as that magical first time :(

I'll keep following your progress - I'm on Exante at the moment but switching to Slim and Save on 16th Feb - can't wait actually! xx
Angie-bum how's it going. Hope you keeping on track wherever you are! Please, please, nearly at 13 stone! Me, I'm 14 and a half stone and STS this week.
Hi guys! Sorry, I am here :)

I lost the weight I put on over Xmas and got complacent way too early and ditched the vlcd thinking I could do it my own way.....found I wasn't losing, cos I was stuffing so gave myself a talking to and got back on here.

have been back on s&s for 3 days. Upped my protein intake to get Ito ketosis and am now mainly back in the right mind set.

Have just read some of this diary and realise I need to buy some bars to keep me on track. Once I have posted this I will do that.

you can tell you are committed to a vlcd when you chose to start in the week that has pancake day and valentines in in! If I wasn't committed I'd have waited another week.

i hate being fat. Being skinny brings up other issues but I think a goal of 13 stone is a good compromise. At tat size, most people don't think I need to lose anymore but I'm not so skinny mini people stare. And they have stared in the past. I suppose I'm just not yr dawn French kinda gal, I do not wear fat well! And I look very different at 17 stone vs 12 stone.

right, can't put it off....if I want to fully capitalise on being in the zone I need my s&s bars!
Yeah, so pleased to see you back in the saddle. Was a bit worried about you as I know myself what not coming on here usually means! And yes, that is true commitment starting with a double whammy of excuses in one week so well done you. It may as well be this as any week really and putting it off just means you won't be where you want to be by T-shirt weather!

Made pancakes tonight for DH and it didn't bother me one bit. Just put what he didn't eat tonight into his lunchbox without a second glance. We are going out for a meal Thursday evening but I will just have a chicken salad. I can ride anything now as I am still coming down from collecting gorgeous Campbell -- the cutest puppy I have ever seen. DH has a rival now, big time. Look at this wee fella!


  • Campbell 4.JPG
    Campbell 4.JPG
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Day 3 for me too. You can do it xx

Night owl - omg he's such a cute puppy. We collected our little choc lab almost 2 weeks ago and she's pretty perfect x
Hi Angie-bum, have your bars arrived yet? Hope so. Hope you survived the week that was Pancake Day and Valentine's Day in one! Made pancakes for D but wasn't tempted and then had a chicken salad at the italian we went to for valentines. Was more worried about getting back before the puppy caused too much havoc at our neighbours than eating really. There is more to life. Funny, I saw my favourite pasta dish on the menu (Amatricana, toms, bacon, onions) and I was sorely tempted but thought no, I would have to fess up on here and the scales would catch me out! It reminded me of when I first started this diet -- how in a split second damage or good can be done. Also once, the waiter has taken the menus away you don't give it a second thought -- the temptation is gone!

I've got to go to a wedding on Skye on Friday 22nd March. Can't order online as I can't decide what size dress to get so going to leave it to St Patrick's Day (17th March) and go shop and see what fits then, so why don't we both make St Patrick's Day our next mini goal? To try and get under 14 and into the 13's at least?
Hi :)

i lost loads, got complacent/ frightened cos I was looking more attractive and ran head long into the food. Am back to it to stop the rot. Really fed up with this now
Hi :)

i lost loads, got complacent/ frightened cos I was looking more attractive and ran head long into the food. Am back to it to stop the rot. Really fed up with this now

I fully understand what you mean!

Good luck with your new start and well done for nipping it in the bud!
Thank you Mini :) and yet again I came back to minimins, it really helps, it gets me back to where I want to be. It's been so helpful over the years, I'd have found it so much more difficult without the help I get here :)